Example sentences of "[det] as [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 Fernando , we are being very sensible and talking about this as we should have done last year . ’
2 Basically , you hold this as you would a short leash , wrapped around your bottom two fingers and tied to your glove , so that you can easily pay it out as you increase the flight distance .
3 You will not need to take as many steps to conceal this as you would have had you been writing the blueprint book .
4 What are you , are you doing as much of this as you can ?
5 There is no need to get worried about this as you will see .
6 there is no need to get worried about this as you will see .
7 I was n't two or three foot back like this as I should have been , I was up here .
8 I can not understand this as I can not see any detrimental effect on the carp .
9 Erm , I 'm on this occasion I 'll keep as close to this as I can possibly go .
10 The authors may argue against this as it would require legislation and changes in the existing responsibilities of local government authorities and health authorities .
11 In the latter ease care must be taken to ensure that the cells do not touch one another as they will tend to stick together .
12 Take care not to touch the cells with the end of the pipette or allow them to touch one another as they will be impossible to dislodge without damage .
13 It has also meant a greater love for one another as we can share our faith and come face to face with who we are .
14 ‘ Reckon as how our Alice 's another as I can be proud of , ’ she said .
15 ‘ Stay with her as much as they 'll let you — do n't worry about anything at the office — I 'm sure Rourke will take care of whatever crops up . ’
16 They have been paying ridiculous rents of up to DM120 for the little decent office space that now exists in eastern Berlin — about twice as much as they would pay for similar space in the western part of the city .
17 It is not worth our while because we can not redeem them for as much as they would get for five- or 10-dollar bills . ’
18 These exquisitely preserved gastropods are largely free of the enclosing matrix , and look now much as they would have done 60 million years ago .
19 The next few years saw her and Ross out with this band of fun boaters and future rodeo aficionados though Lesley remembers having spent much of these early years bobbing about in the boils on the edge of the rough stuff , a result of lack of confidence in her own ability and perhaps not being pushed to perform by the guys in the group as much as they would each other .
20 However voluntary groups lack the funds to do as much as they would like in providing comfortable well staffed centres .
21 For just as the latter are then not receiving as much employment as they would normally like at the prevailing real wage rate , so the former are not providing as much as they would normally like .
22 Slack stuff from the Republic who did n't increase their goal difference by as much as they would have liked .
23 ‘ A bit , but not as much as they might be considering the rain we 've had , ’ Charlie answered .
24 Two very important indexing journals not always used as much as they might be by social researchers are the British Humanities Index and the Public Affairs Information Service Bulletin .
25 But part of that problem is that I do n't think the course tutors do perhaps as much as they might , I mean they do nowhere near as much as Shirley does
26 To control and manage communications is something that politicians and governments , both east and west , work hard to master — much as they may publicly deny it .
27 Hungarian fighter pilots do n't fly as much as they 'd like .
28 Of course at school they always tell you that you should do a secretarial course , which was absolutely dreadful , and they put you off the idea of a career in the theatre just as much as they can .
29 Encourage all residents , however disabled , to dress themselves as much as they can .
30 The common is a piece of land of just over two acres , where the poor of the village could collect firewood , as much as they can carry , ‘ whin' meaning a gorse bush .
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