Example sentences of "[det] but i think " in BNC.

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1 I think , I think Council is accepting this but I think it 's
2 Especially when you 're not gon na like me for this because , you 're not gon na like me for this but I think one think about Foxy is he is two faced .
3 I was gon na buy some but I thought you usually buy some so
4 Well really , looks like I 've only done two each but I think I 'll freeze I 'll only cut two up lovely !
5 ‘ I was goin' ter tell yer about that but I thought you would n't be interested . ’
6 It made Yeah I know it made that but I thought you just wanted to know what it gave off .
7 more than that but I thought that saves
8 I was gon na go for that but I thought that was too bloody obvious
9 Erm we 've we 've actually developed social housing really rather as it 's been an opportunity we 've grabbed it and we 've done it , you know , some of it 's been very very good an and nobody 's knocking that but I think it is time that we took stock and actually had a a proper policy and a proper strategy on sa on social housing .
10 Well I do n't se I do n't think that it has been badly designed for the old people , I think the object of building the town as it has been built is to integrate the erm the old people with the young , perhaps the young people resent that but I think we have got to have a mixed community in as much as we have got to be aware that old people need attention in as much as they need companionship and if they are not integrated with the community they are going to be I really se , just left out on their own which in lots of cases there are very , very many lonely people , old people but if they are put within the community I think the community will look after them , in as much as giving them companionship whether the people , some people resent it or not , I do n't know , but I do think that they should not be segregated .
11 Well I could n't just tell you honestly about that but I think the riveters decided who got what , you know .
12 That 's the next step we st we may need to treat your tummy with something else after that but I think that 's rather go going to depend on what the chest X-ray shows , and how you feel .
13 I w I would n't swear on that but I think that 's what happened .
14 I understand the various accou er professional bodies in the accountancy industry are in fact doing that but I think the government should also do that because it is not just the probity of financial institutions we are concerned about , it is also er the auditing of other commercial concerns and it seems to be that in this case the public interest has taken second place to the government 's wish to do as little as possible , yet again the minister said in the debate that if we were to do anything further in response to a question put by my honourable friend the member for Grimsby , it would need legislation , primary legislation .
15 As far as er the honourable gentleman for Edinburgh Central is concerned , he said there was a case for a wider inquiry into the auditing o of companies , well that is not something specifically called for er by Bingham although I acknowledge that a case can be made for that but I think we want to be extremely careful before extending that in the way that he and the honourable member for Great Grimsby proposed beyond the direct er responsibility to the members or the owners of the company .
16 I would hope over the next few years we actually do move towards increasing towards that but I think we will have some severe difficulties , particularly with the planning department where large numbers of members of the public do visit the area .
17 yeah it might be , I do n't know , I think usually Roy does that but I think Dave 's doing it this year or something erm er that tends to be , that tended to be something that I had difficulty with as a student because again you could n't just sort of find one book that , that covered the lecture course
18 I might be a bit biased , I think they still do that but I think erm
19 Well there 's nothing wrong in that but I think be aware of the potential danger that if it is too long
20 Well yeah , er okay I can accept that but I think mentally
21 Cold day , it was me that but I think with hurrying so , quite a good walk .
22 Oh I do n't know about that but I think they 're likely on the same
23 yeah but he 's got to the stage now as if yeah he 's not gon na do a lot , whatever he did before at home I 'm not sure but er he 's done all his windows and stuff like that but I think then again he can do a lot at work you see .
24 You know , about the crime statistics ; really what she 's saying is that parents ought to do a better job for their children , and I 'm sure we all agree with that but I think that that 's a very superficial response to what is er an enormous question of parents just being too poor and having nothing to give their children in the way of just basic food , basic medicines , to keep them alive .
25 So if anyone 's interested in going on that , get in touch with me or Dave , we 'll erm , say we do n't need to many but I think we can take a few and we will take our petition with us on that one , the animal petition .
26 Right well do n't have any papers on those but I thought we 'd got more than that .
27 Well I did have some more but I thought no I
28 The other manufacturers are trying to do the same but I think some of them are a bit behind Rover and they 've got to catch up .
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