Example sentences of "[det] you [vb base] in " in BNC.

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1 And er the fire was underneath this you see in a little grate and you used to open the door and stoke it up and er more often than not it was fired by slack , which was a residue of the coal out of the coal house , you know when you broke your coal up with the lumps the the little sl bits of slack they were all put on one side for the copper fire .
2 This you have in common with the rest of the zodiac but Virgos , in particular , will discover aspects and talents within themselves that have not yet seen the light of day .
3 She 'd come in , pick up a rubber skirt and say , half you ziss in one leetle size bigger ?
4 We will send you a statement every April and October showing how much you have in Saver Plus .
5 So what I 'm saying is , is getting a delivery if you ca n't get something there in time I mean , it may mean that you know in advance that you need something done and you can deliver in a normal working week , but maybe it 's inconvenient in a normal working week .
6 Every mile that you do in your car costs 1/6000 of a service , since 6000 miles make a service .
7 First of all you advertise in a trade magazine , and your current chef , reliable , but limited in ability , sees the advertisement and leaves the kitchen never to return .
8 Blame is all you get in this family . ’
9 All you get in Holloway is vitamin tablets or iron tablets .
10 I reckon the best place is Finn Mill , cos that was a lot cleaner , see your river , now cos that 's polluted now and er all you get in the river now is you get flounders or eels , that 's what you get .
11 ‘ I do n't think ’ — Molly was finishing her glass of wine , which seemed even warmer and oilier than usual , as quickly as she could — ‘ that you should believe all you read in the papers . ’
12 All you read in the newspapers about running down the mining industry has no truth in it . ’
13 ‘ You must n't believe all you read in Pravda , ’ I said .
14 ‘ Do you believe all you read in the Press ? ’
15 All you see in the papers now is smack , like .
16 I 'm going to prove to you today what I 've often told you before — that all you need in this life to succeed is real cast-iron determination . "
17 All you need in order to be able to take advantage of a low-cost upgrade is a proof of purchase ( registration counts ) which might be the first page of your manual for the product you already have , your sales invoice from the dealer that sold you the product ( a photocopy will do ) , a copy of the setup disk ( they 're serialised , you see ) , or , for Windows , a copy of the invoice for a machine that comes complete with Windows .
18 This will create a seating island which is probably all you need in a confined space .
19 To say that ‘ if all you have in life is bad choices , crack may not be the most unpleasant of them is irresponsible to an astonishing degree ’ .
20 Like going to sleep by contrasting a bed with a pavement , I sometimes find myself thinking that if the worst comes to the worst I can always earn a living by my hands ; I can scrub , clean , cook and sew ; all you have in the end is your labour .
21 The form is all you have in the initial stages , and if you do n't erm fill it out sensibly then you do n't get as far as the interview , when of course your individual personality can start to come through .
22 As one described it , neighbourhood policing requires constables who know that ‘ All you learn in the classroom is what your powers are ’ , and that ‘ You do n't learn about the real facts of police work until you 're out actually doing it ’ , and that you can not afford to be ‘ heavy-handed ’ .
23 It was like those you get in comics — over people 's heads when they are having a thought — only this one was a bit more real .
24 She might have been wearing a sign like those you see in car windows : GIVE MY CHILD A CHANCE — DO N'T PULL BACK .
25 The more , the more , the more you put in the formula , that more memory it takes , but even a very simple formula , uses up quite a lot of memory .
26 And , the more you put in a spreadsheet , the more and more of the conventional memory you are using up , and eventually when you fill up your conventional memory , you get a memory fault .
27 And you know very well that as soon as you start to launch yourself into the world of contracting by , by its very nature a contract a a automatically has loopholes in it , and the more you write in a contract the more loopholes you 've got .
28 Er the b the more you do in cash really , the more the tax inspectors look at it .
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