Example sentences of "[det] in [noun prp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There are some interesting observations about this in Eve Bendall 's study ‘ So you passed , nurse ’ ( Bendall 1975 ) .
2 Similarly in ( 10 ) when she addresses her father directly she does this in London English .
3 The national figures , released by the Municipal Mutual Insurance company , showed schools particularly prone to vandalism were encouraged to employ 24hour security guards , however there were no plans for this in North Yorkshire , Durham or Cleveland .
4 There is ample evidence to support this in Price Waterhouse 's latest International Information Technology Review which tracks investment intentions in 10 countries around the world .
5 There is an outstanding example of this in Dorothy Heathcote , and that is her ‘ literary ’ assumptions about the content of drama .
6 This means that the buyer of one contract ( the long ) is expecting to receive 25,000 and to make payment for this in US dollars .
7 we 've got to have them — we 'll need one every 50-75 miles around the country , with smaller mini-sites to feed into the ones like this in Milton Keynes .
8 We have already seen evidence of this in Zande witchcraft beliefs with their eager concern to assimilate and ‘ naturalize ’ new information so that it is consistent with the basic assumptions which Zande take for granted .
9 Are they ready for this in Trimdon Colliery and Deaf Hill Workmen 's Club ?
10 The court confirmed this in Pesca Valentia Ltd. v. Minister for Fisheries and Forestry ( Case 223/86 ) [ 1988 ] E.C.R. 83 , 107 , para. 13 , in which it held that , although the Community regulations on fisheries referred to fishing vessels ‘ flying the flag ’ of a member state or ‘ registered ’ there , they left those terms to be defined in the legislation of the member states .
11 There are still a few in New Zealand but numbers there are now very low , and the Belted variety is more popular than the standard black .
12 I thought we saw some in Swidlan Woods once .
13 We then come back from there and we 've got a mass of competitions , some in what was East Germany , some in West Germany .
14 Most houses in Bridge Road have sound insulation , as do some in Medway Road .
15 The services on offer from the Community Relations Branch include the ‘ blue lamp disco ’ , a title evocative of George Dixon and consensus policing ; the organization of disco-dancing competitions and football tournaments with children from other police divisions in Belfast ; nature rambles ; access to outward-bound centres , some in Great Britain , the cost of attendance being borne by the RUC ; swimming lessons , including swimming for visually handicapped children ; and the provision in schools of classes on first aid , safety , and law , and of other general campaigns aimed at children , like the ‘ Say No To Strangers ’ campaign .
16 Now the Fire Brigades Union is demanding an investigation into the blast and another in West Yorks .
17 The North-East has four or five Thai restaurants now , including one in the Metrocentre run by a Thai lady from Easington Colliery and another in Pink Lane , Newcastle which helps fund a Buddhist monastery in Northumberland .
18 There was another in Decimus Street and yet another in Paradise Street .
19 There was another in Decimus Street and yet another in Paradise Street .
20 So I sent it to another in New York , and he took it . ’
21 There he had an official residence , but he continued to run his Whitechapel nursery , with another in London Fields .
22 Mr Gordon added : ‘ He was sent to one bail hostel , then transferred to another in Corfton Road , Ealing , west London , on December 12 .
23 One vehicle was destroyed in Brierton Lane while a blaze involving another in Abigail Walk was out on their arrival .
24 A legation was set up in Berlin in 1837 and another in St Petersburg twenty years later .
25 This very awkward junction was signalled with three lamps in a small wooden box on the first traction post in Tamworth Road and another in Lower Church Street .
26 Newport failed to get one international reserve prop — Gloucester 's Peter Jones but Llanelli claimed another in David Joseph from Swansea .
27 This fascinating story is one of many such in Roger Lonsdale 's anthology of Eighteenth-Century Women Poets , not just a marvellous piece of scholarship but as richly entertaining and original a book as I have come across for some time .
28 We 're not anti-gipsy as such in Chipping Norton .
29 It also served as a prison , and features as such in Walter Scott 's novel The Heart of Midlothian .
30 Of the latter he gives horrific examples , which sicken him and enrage him ( though as much in Mrs Pound 's genteel English version as in Pound 's red-necked American ) .
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