Example sentences of "[vb base] [pn reflx] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Because nobody understands us , and we hate ourselves for needing to be understood .
2 Supporters of this option claim it reinstates the spectacle of demo-cracy , while critics content themselves with pointing out that it is currently used in Iceland , Bosnia , and parts of Turkey .
3 Keep yourself clean from head to foot and provide yourself with opening medicine in case of need .
4 An alternative approach is to seek a better understanding of the developmental processes which seem to be at work by studying young children as they involve themselves in getting to know the language .
5 I will not list Frances ’ numerous qualities but content myself with saying that I know of no one who could fill her position as well as she … ’
6 While the war continued I could ( almost ) fool myself into believing that I was like those other women who were merely separated from their men ‘ for the duration ’ — or , if not that , at least I felt that my life was suspended .
7 If we restrict ourselves to puts and calls on a single security there are 4 simple types of investment strategy to look at :
8 Thank goodness for Iris , thought Melissa as she plodded wearily up to bed , for insisting that she cover herself by reporting Lou 's visit .
9 Some seem to be able to cause their bodies to cure or to prevent certain diseases and even prevent themselves from acquiring genetically inherited ones .
10 ‘ When they go onto these so-called new diets , people tend to lose weight because they automatically restrict themselves without realising they ought to be eating more bread , cereals , fruit and vegetables .
11 Within the enterprise , we will also assume for the purposes of argument that ‘ Internal Library and Information Centres ’ restrict themselves to acquiring only that external information which is ‘ publicly available ’ .
12 Well , they say that remarks that they would feel were friendly remarks directed towards students they stop themselves from saying and examine and think if I say that will I make her feel uncomfortable ?
13 I restrict myself to pointing to the human misery that follows on such events and our human and Christian responsibilities in the face of such hardship .
14 Whenever you catch yourself speeding up in a car to get through a red light , deliberately penalize yourself by turning right at the next corner .
15 Having given up hope of a career , they have doubts about the future and support themselves by working in ‘ low pay , low prestige , low benefit jobs in the service industry ’ or ‘ McJobs ’ .
16 So , obstacles or other animals in the vicinity reveal themselves by distorting the fish 's electric field .
17 One might , thus , fantasise the death of someone seen as a threat , or imagine oneself as possessing enormous fame or wealth .
18 He had managed to dislodge the noose from his neck and save himself by jumping into the freezing water below .
19 As marriage partners view themselves with regard to the prospect of being loved there is something to be said for considering the phileo model .
20 Walls built to support terraces , used as boundaries , forming part of a flight of steps , containing raised beds and so on , whether brick or stone , lend themselves to planting actually in their fabric .
21 ‘ Ron Barr of Cibola recommends that you orient yourself by identifying some resort houses and a beach , further south some low cliffs , and still further south a stand of palms with one particularly high one on its north end .
22 Doubtless while our noble lords and masters stand back and applaud themselves for winning yet another battle . ’
23 ‘ You can still make a bit of money and enjoy yourself without ripping people off .
24 You enjoy yourself by performing to the best of your ability — as soon as you become irresponsible , you 're not performing to that level and , if you 're honest with yourself , you wo n't enjoy it .
25 The revolutionary intelligentsia , Plekhanov urged , must abandon its romantic and terrorist traditions , adopt the scientific perspective of Marxism , and devote itself to assisting in the development of a powerful revolutionary organization of the proletariat .
26 The President also announced that he would form a transitional government of " national union " as early as January 1991 , which would seek to " strengthen state machinery " and " devote itself to restoring the ethics of the civil service . "
27 Janice plans to stay at home and devote herself to looking after me and Kirsty . ’
28 When she got to the top of the staircase and Mr Browning had gone back inside his apartment , she suddenly felt so ill she had to sit down on the stone step and compose herself before going on .
29 The way you present yourself in responding is the way you present the company .
30 Some animals you cut turfs of little bits of turf out and you put in the , in the corner of the box and they , they lick that and amuse themselves by eating it bit by bit .
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