Example sentences of "[vb base] [been] [adv] much " in BNC.

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1 Salim presents himself in a light which requires the reader to be told that , although he himself has been making good , he is grieved , or affects to be , by the discovery that the slavish Metty has been getting on : ‘ You 've been very much getting on as though you 're your own man . ’
2 because they 've been so much more technology , you know , since it 's started
3 erm , I , well I ca n't commit myself to going down to that to , I mean if it 's , if I can I 'll give you a ring because with Cherry being off as well it 's , I mean it 's gon na be unfair if I start , cos I 've been so much
4 If you have been very much home-based , you may need some encouragement from your partner in getting involved in community activities or a hobby ; and it may be necessary , in order to avoid being over dependent on another person .
5 Criticising this development , Lyons says : ‘ Linguists have been very much concerned in recent years with the postulation of universals of language structure and have all too often discounted the differences among languages ’ ( 1982 ) .
6 Deer have been very much part of my life , and I hope these notes have been of interest and helpful in understanding why stalking takes place .
7 You have been very much in Mark Underwood 's company , have you not ?
8 This has been a year when pensions have been very much to the fore .
9 Redundancies , short-time working , bonus cuts and the like have been very much the order of the day we 've had the twenty percent job cuts at Blue Circle Cement which are mentioned specifically in the report and we 've also seen significant additional job losses at British Gypsum in the brick industry and in many other sectors of the building materials industry .
10 However , in so far as such social features are part of the meaning of utterances , they ought also to be treated in pragmatics ; yet within pragmatics , these social constraints on language usage and their systematic effects on language structure , have been very much understudied , perhaps as a result of the philosophical and linguistic bias ( no doubt reflected in this book ) towards what Buhler ( 1934 ) called the representational , and Jakobson ( 1960 ) the referential , function of language .
11 These passages I have already referred to as being extremely indicative of the wonderful girl that Anna Jane was before her accident and I have been very much in mind in the earlier part of my judgement .
12 And they have been very much but I though that Swatch cost that much no there are
13 So lawyers as well as politicians have been very much involved in defining what it actually means .
14 Brian felt that sleep need not have been too much of a problem : he could go to sleep , but the staff would not let him .
15 That assertion may sound surprising given the arguments in the West that Boris Yeltsin 's reforms have been too much , too soon .
16 ‘ I think lawyers have been too much looking from the law outwards rather than as a client looking at the law from the outside .
17 Could there have been that much truth in what he had said ?
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