Example sentences of "[vb base] [Wh det] [pron] should " in BNC.

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1 When you know what we should be saying to John Major and employers is that it is n't any surprise that er disablement er has increased over the last thirteen , fourteen years .
2 The complexity of psychological factors involved in the AL of maintaining a safe environment means that publicity campaigns and health education programmes must go beyond simply imparting information about safety , realising that people often know what they should and could do , and yet do not act on their knowledge .
3 I know what it should be like but I
4 Or , apropos of the necessity of having a good historical imagination when reading , ‘ I had much rather know what I should feel like if I adopted the beliefs of Lucretius than how Lucretius would have felt if he had never entertained them . ’
5 You know the end , and I know the end , now we know what happened , now we know what I should have done … but I was not at the end of the movie , I was in the middle of the movie and I did n't know the ending . ’
6 You know what I should be using
7 " I know what you should do , " said Clelia , " you should do a Diploma of Education or whatever it 's called .
8 ‘ You know what you should do , ’ said William suddenly .
9 No one knows why you do it I mean you you know you know what you should be doing , and it 's not difficult it 's just so boring .
10 Now I know what you should do with all that free time you have : acting .
11 ‘ I think you already know what you should do . ’
12 You know what you should have done while you was up there this time you should have took asked for some samples .
13 You know what you should do ?
14 The often-repeated criticism made of elite and traditional theorists that they assume what they should be proving — namely the distribution of power — may from this perspective be seen to miss the point of elite analysis , since it is not typically concerned with the question of whether the minority that exercises power is a significant proportion of the entire population .
15 . I suppose what we should of done is , done the next one along the drop down there and then matched it all up backwards is n't it ?
16 Mr McCreary told the tribunal : ‘ As she was leaving my office , she said : ‘ I suppose what I should have done was take the time off sick anyway .
17 If this happens , you should speak to your line manager , who may be able to deal with the problem , or advise what you should do .
18 Such horses are hopeless at dressage , because they always decide what we should do before we ask them .
19 We stand for a few moments in each other 's arms , and I ask what we should do this evening .
20 So I think what we should
21 I think what we should do , as we 've got two papers on similar topics , is er take any questions that are specifically related to the t to this paper and the , the methods used in this paper , and then after the next paper have , have both speakers up to address the topic er of er of timing of follow up cystoscopies .
22 And I think what we should get as a Parish Council , is an assurance from Biffa , that they , or from the District Council , from Severn Trent , really , if they are the people that contracted out the work , that a re any resident in Southwell who , who is afflicted by sewerage problems is going to get immediate and urgent attention .
23 The others are unobtainable , er but I think what we should do because of course you are there to tell them whether or not you think they should be going for er twice the rate of inflation pay rise .
24 I think what we should be looking at is pu , campaigning for de-criminalization of soft drugs , like cannabis
25 And I think what we should have is a fifth person which is an outstanding sales award or something like that which covers all regions cos in Europe you woul you would n't vote for any of them would you ?
26 And that 's I think what everybody should be trying to aim for .
27 I think what he should have done
28 ‘ I wonder what I should wear ? ’ she said .
29 That would provide quality for people and ensure that league tables mean what they should mean , which is a comparison of the delivery of services to people .
30 But now I have , and I see what I should have seen a long time ago , the selfish , arrogant , unscrupulous fixer who has been quietly feathering his nest in London for the past ten years at our expense after turning his back on us as though we were n't good enough for him , who could n't even be bothered to come home during this ordeal but just flew over on a weekend return when the mood took him , when he had nothing better to do , like the tourist he is !
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