Example sentences of "[vb base] [not/n't] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Reports on the armed conflict in the former Yugoslavia , however , suggest not only that rape and the sexual abuse of women have been carried out on a massive scale , but that it has been systematic and organised .
2 Childebert 's tax inspectors then tried to institute the same reforms in Tours , but Gregory claimed that the city was exempt , and related the history of exemption since the time of Chlothar I. However , if reorganization had not threatened Tours , it is doubtful whether we would have heard of the perfectly sensible arrangements at Poitiers , which suggest not only that taxation was normal in the Merovingian kingdom , but also that it could be organized efficiently , and so far as one can see , fairly .
3 As Nietzsche uses them , however , the names denote not merely this pair of very different Greek deities , but two large , supra-historical , and diametrically opposite aspects of art and existence in general .
4 Faithful be ye , I know well , and power ye have if ye list to keep them safe ; but if ye think I fear too much , yet beware ye fear not too little ! ’
5 I have n't got the time nor the energy , I mean not so much
6 The real essence of ‘ Thatcherism ’ , indeed , lay not so much in its ideas , which proved to be increasingly malleable as the years went by , and especially when Nigel Lawson took over the Treasury in 1984 .
7 The importance of the morality organisations lay not so much in their mass membership as in the specific influence they could demonstrate in moments of crises , the forces they could mobilise , the pressures they could bring to bear , the ears they could bend , the opportunities they could seize , and here conjunctural political factors played an important part .
8 Nevertheless , the literature on the professions per se provides a useful entrée into this type of education , because it identifies some of the main themes which characterize not only those professions but preparation for them : the existence of a body of specialized knowledge and expertise ; the influence of professional norms and ethics ; the autonomy and responsibility of the professional ; the relationships with colleagues , clients and the state .
9 Rather than to characterise Genetic Alchemy as definitive I prefer to view it as a valuable ‘ second generation ’ effort , considerably more scholarly than its predecessors but with more than a whiff of the critical and sceptical attitudes of the disciplines that focus not so much on the substance of science as on its character as a social institution .
10 In contrast , after an analysis of the literature on social indicators and the reform of education , Greenbaum et al ( l977 ) conclude not only that can NAEP not help with research hypothesis formation or policy guidelines , but that ‘ the prerequisites of an effective large-scale system of social accounting demonstrates that no such system lies within reach in the field of education ’ .
11 Thereafter , and notably from the 1780s , the company had to make recourse to fresh stock issue not so much to raise fresh working capital but to release it from debt .
12 These minerals are relatively insoluble and act not so much as direct plant foods , but put the soil in a state that favours the buildup and activity of soil life .
13 In his obituary in The Stage , the writer pertinently remarked that ‘ People die not so much on account of their age or that they are worn out , but because of the loss of their lifelong associates . ’
14 The differences between the sites lie not so much in the dust , which has a broadly similar composition at all sites , but in the rocks .
15 Elsie B graced me with a long chat which made me feel as if I 'd been in the presence of royalty , though I suspect not too many members of the Royal Family are at their desk as early as Elsie .
16 But you seem not so much angry , as succumbing to memories , drowning in them , leaving this world behind …
17 It 's a symbolic embarrassment to have man in a graveyard outside a church , not getting any sanctuary , especially when you consider not only that background you 've mentioned , Jesus himself actually said that he had nowhere to lay his head .
18 My own investigation into the organisation of written texts at lower secondary level ( Harris , 1980 ) points to the occurrence of a range of sharply differentiated linguistic features that vary not so much with subject areas but with what appear to be fundamental text types .
19 They saw universal , or manhood , suffrage not so much as an end in itself as the key which would unlock the door to radical or even revolutionary social and economic change .
20 When people kiss , they exchange not only these secretions in their saliva , but also sebum , which is produced by glands around the mouth after puberty .
21 Before leaving London I saw the sights , from the Tower to Trafalgar Square and I also had a wander through Soho which I remember not so much for its more dubious side but for all the stalls of fruit and vegetables , every type , colour and description .
22 With the assistance that is increasingly forthcoming from ordinary members of both sides of the community , they will resolutely and successfully pursue not just those who carry out terrorist attacks but also those who plan them .
23 Here is the reality of the European idea' : a Community whose finest administrative minds devote themselves to deciding whether a carrot is a vegetable or a fruit , whose political leaders discuss not so much ambitious as fantastic plans for military integration — and which can not in practice prevent Europeans tearing themselves to pieces and destroying part of what it is not exaggerated to call our European heritage . ’
24 ‘ Soon they feel not only that what they did was bad , but that they are intrinsically bad , too .
25 Groups can — and usually do — exist not so much by rejecting outsiders as by accepting insiders .
26 They offer not only all the finest portfolio available but also accurate advice and help .
27 Curriculum developers aim not so much to " cover a given area of knowledge " as to convey basic concepts , teach relevant skills , and create an appetite for , and the ability to pursue , further research and enquiry at later stages .
28 Well I think not so much about when Hastings was there .
29 At the same time , we shall be able to identify features of style which belong not so much to the subject , as to James 's characteristic way of handling it .
30 There are two or possibly three sections that require close inspection and ropework and the gorge should not be taken lightly but do not less this detract from a river that has everything .
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