Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 The capes are famous for a confused and ugly swell , and peculiar lumps of wind that crash down from the coastal peaks of the Taurus Mountains .
2 In winter , when the storms bluster in from the Mediterranean and the valleys glow green , the cloud comes down and Beaufort simply disappears .
3 I clamber up from the trackway on to the empty platform .
4 And the view should not be ruled out too summarily that all our desires grow up from the fact that certain things have been found immediately pleasurable .
5 Bones fly up from the ground all around them , magically assembling themselves into the massive skeleton of some huge , dinosaur-like beast .
6 Report back from the seminars
7 Report back from the seminars
8 Report back from the seminars
9 The boughs grow out from the trunk at nearly the same angle throughout the life of the tree and the sapling can be regarded as a geometrical model of the fully grown tree .
10 Its nostrils are placed at the ends of two extremities that grow out from the side of its head .
11 Sharp icicles fly out from the caster 's hand and strike the first unit or model in their path .
12 When I fly out from the nest over the moors to its great and awesome cliff and gyre on the winds out over the sea then can I call myself a Wrath eagle . ’
13 The coast ( or cliff-top ) walk from the hostel in the other direction led to the delightful settlement of Robin Hood 's Bay , where the slipway resembles a drawbridge let down from the towering sea walls .
14 I eased my Way through the crowds that were watching Midwinter climb down from the platform .
15 The chill of the early morning was dispersing under the grey cloud base that spread in from the west .
16 The whole point of Lourdes comes out as you walk down from the centre of the town towards the river and the Cité Religieuse on the far bank .
17 When nuclear family segments break off from the joint family for one reason or another , the values of the joint family nevertheless continue to plague them .
18 Sometimes quite large ‘ solid ’ blocks break off from the flow , with the same kind of clean fracture , and then , since they are still very hot , continue to flow slightly !
19 The trouble with you is , he said , that you 've grown fat in your little cocoon here in London , cut off from the realities of the world .
20 The two of us stand next to his second hole unable to distinguish sky and lake and cut off from the other pair .
21 Cut off from the only social contact and emotional support he had known , he went downhill and ended up being arrested for stealing .
22 In a crumbling mansion on the edge of a lake from which a mist constantly rises , Roderick Usher and his sister live out their lives cut off from the rest of the world .
23 Divested of their natural homes and hunting grounds , cut off from the renewable natural resources on which they depended , observing the continuing slaughter by visitors licensed to kill and construct , and disinherited from the financial or other benefits of these exercises , they became party to the most misguided and cynical game this century : the over-exploitation and destruction of the natural environment for the benefit of a few .
24 The French soldiers , cut off from the other guests both linguistically and emotionally , spoke only amongst themselves , occasionally voluble , more often morose .
25 Cut off from the world for a weekend , what started out as a bit of a laugh for Gordon , Angus , Roy and Neville turns into a carnival of recrimination , backbiting , French cricket and sausages .
26 Cut off from the Reich by the Polish Corridor these people felt themselves to be German and to be threatened by the new Polish state .
27 The area became marginalised , cut off from the hub of business activity across the river .
28 On her lonely perch , cut off from the amiable mindless warmth of the mob , Jess shifted , taking a cautious step back towards the edge of the counter .
29 Lee stood , stranded , cut off from the future .
30 On the contrary , I think it more likely that , cut off from the source of rationality , the Godhead itself , the Devil is evil but irrational .
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