Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] them [art] " in BNC.

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1 Perkins group managing director , Tony Gilroy says : ‘ Despite the current recession in the construction industry , we expect to sell them a lot more than that under the new agreement .
2 A want to give them a shuffle for speed .
3 They want to give them the confidence to grow into caring and hard-working adults who will grasp opportunities and take their responsibilities seriously .
4 We want to give them the opportunity to put their own language into practice in a genuine effort to communicate .
5 It 's unfair for another reason : most of the walkers , climbers and cavers that come to the Dales , the Lakes and the mountains come because they love them , because they respect them and care for them and want to keep them the way they are so that the people of the future can enjoy the wildness and the greatness of the earth .
6 They would begin to know that putting a little eighth note right before the next bar meant anticipation and that made things easier because , if you have a half hour lesson and they want to learn something by Iron Maiden , and you want to show them a dorian mode in three octaves and they 've got to show you their chords in four or five positions , you 've got to work fast !
7 We want to show them the best . ’
8 They seem to use them a lot , buses , do n't they ?
9 And in the fourth year I tend to do them an evaluation sheet , where I write down lots of questions about the project they have just done , and maybe get them to sit for a double lesson and write about the things they experienced and found out …
10 So I tend to give them a wide berth wherever possible .
11 Probably if ‘ Damnation Derek ’ had bothered to talk to people and get to know them a bit before preaching at them , he would have discovered that they would want to ask him some questions about what he believed .
12 But you get to know lots of others to talk to and that and on trips to away matches then you get to know them a lot better .
13 When people seem to be falling down , I like to give them the opportunity to right themselves .
14 In one sense , all the genes in a body are ‘ parasitic ’ genes , whether we like to call them the body 's ‘ own , genes or not .
15 No , when you read the word ‘ love ’ in the Bible it means something completely different ; you do n't have to hug anyone , kiss anyone or call them Ermentrude to love them the Jesus way .
16 Yet what degree of commitment should we expect from someone before we decide to label them a Jacobite ?
17 Other men 's wives try to help them a little .
18 odd fifty P here , and pound here and I always try to give them a little bit .
19 Evidence of this is that if we attempt to justify them no obvious answer is forthcoming .
20 Try to lift them a little higher with each count .
21 Keep the arms straight and try to raise them a little higher with each count .
22 Try to straighten them a little more today .
23 Please , Tom when er placing photographs in Direct , please try to make them a little more appropriate .
24 Ancestral spirits also exercise a shadowy effect , punishing those who fail to pay them the requisite respect .
25 ‘ We have people working in banks coming in because their managers refuse to give them a loan .
26 Bearing in mind the number of private nursing homes that spring up and erm , er , I mean the sort of privately run places er , presumably the local authorities have to give them a licence to run , but is there no way that it , can the Fire Service , can our officers go and make an inspection ?
27 They can not just choose to hurt you , you have to give them the chance ( for example by joining in activities like those listed above ) — so do n't !
28 Most of them think it 's as easy as that and then I have to give them the ‘ hard facts ’ about cost and time .
29 We have to give them the ball out wide and let them get at Southend 's back four . ’
30 Have to send them an extra invoice for this extra our time .
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