Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] him [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to talk him the number 's o-five-hundred , four-o-four , treble zero .
2 Is the Chancellor aware that not so long ago I met a chap in Blackpool who said to me , ’ When you see that Chancellor of the Duchy , tell him that I want to give him a piece of my mind : not only is the poll tax three times higher than the rates , but I have lost my job , my wife has been waiting for an operation for two years , my daughter has lost her maternity grant through this Tory Government and my son has lost his income support — so when you see the chairman of the Tory party , will you tell him that I want to meet him to discuss this matter at the top of the Blackpool Tower ? ’
3 But is there any situations where Abbey Life can overrule the doctor and say , we 're not happy with this , we want to appoint , we want to give him a medical with our own doctor .
4 ‘ We want to give him the chance to tell us how this strong criticism of him is not justified .
5 I must have lived , oh , well over ninety-five years , but when I eventually meet God I want to ask him a question which has haunted me all my life .
6 I I 'm very grateful to the minister but I want to ask him a straightforward question .
7 I want to make him an excellent offer for Sleet , one impossible to refuse .
8 I want to tell him the story of my life .
9 And then if I please to reach him a hand and pick him up again , he shall know and acknowledge to whom he owes it , and walk more humbly thereafter .
10 ‘ No great deal , perhaps , my lord , save to spare him a costly war .
11 Loss of manuscripts or illustrations seem to cause him the greatest concern .
12 ‘ And I 'd advise you to reserve judgement on him till you get to know him a little better ! ’
13 Kind of like to ask him a couple of little things . ’
14 ‘ We try to give him a little less tranquilliser each time , so that he might gradually get over it , but he does n't seem to get any better .
15 Try to understand him a little .
16 One evening I reluctantly agreed to go back to school and attempt to teach him the solo .
17 One can agree that another has or should have a right , that is , believe that he has or should have it , or agree to give him a right .
18 These are taught to the initiate to show him the accepted response to the vagaries of order , disorder , ambiguity , and ambivalence which lies in the complexities of social behaviour .
19 Willie ‘ O ’ is a bit stronger and a lot younger than Mick so you have to give him a slight edge when it comes to form and fitness .
20 I have to give him a name .
21 I said well you just have to give him the deaf ear I said otherwise you 'll become , I said and he 'll get caught out eventually
22 have to send him a stamped envelope with the address of the guy and putting on it .
23 Goes mad when you have to call him a cockney .
24 Do you think we have to offer him a meal ? ’
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