Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] with the " in BNC.

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1 We share that judgement and intend to continue with the passage of the Bill . ’
2 [ I ] f you intend to cope with the jungle out there , you need to make the Wall Street Journal and similar publications such as The Economist your favourite comic books . ’
3 If you intend to proceed with the appeal on your own , you should contact me for a copy of the relevant parts of the Sheriff Court process .
4 Yet most tend to agree with the right-wing slogan , ‘ the boat is full ’ , meaning Germany has too many foreigners .
5 Denis Healey is another politician I admire , and I tend to agree with the view that he is the best leader the Labour Party never had .
6 ‘ Gottle a geer ’ Gazza would undoubtedly be a tremendous asset to the team , but after Silvers recent professions of poverty , I tend to agree with the Guardian that this is a ‘ We are still a big club ’ smokescreen .
7 I just want to go with the least amount of gear I can get away with , be able to troubleshoot it myself and keep it simple .
8 It 's an all British car erm except for the Japanese tape deck , and the makers believe there are enough people around who still want to drive with the top down and the wind in their hair , people who are prepared to risk the weather , as well as an overdraft , to get behind the wheel of a Healey again .
9 Never say that there are no particular reasons why you want to work with the company .
10 ‘ In general terms we want to work with the industry and do our best to build a scheme based on existing systems .
11 OUP expect to establish with the supplier the criteria which will be used to determine whether the system functions correctly and can be accepted by OUP .
12 Want to help with the court cuppas ? ’
13 Many of those attending the doctor 's surgery with physical symptoms , such as headache or diarrhoea , actually have serious emotional , sexual or family problems that they want to discuss with the doctor , but find it difficult to start on such sensitive topics .
14 Two of them do reach results which appear to conflict with the wording , and for which no good reason can be found other than the one they give themselves : that this was the testator 's intention .
15 Paul shouts angrily and loudly at smaller children who want to play with the toys he is using .
16 It also demands that someone is skilled enough to set up the stylesheets in the first place unless you want to stick with the standard set provided by Xerox .
17 As a general rule data users should give as much information as possible to data subjects about what they propose to do with the data and must on no account mislead them .
18 If you want to deal with the issue face to face , ask for an appointment , either in the local office or for an officer to visit you in your home .
19 I now want to deal with the central point raised this evening .
20 The reason is that we want to deal with the Keynesian model in greater detail and derive policy implications from it .
21 In this chapter we propose to deal with the arrangement of passages for various combinations of woodwind and horns , but before doing this we will deal with the question of laying out full chords for the wind .
22 IN this chapter we propose to deal with the trumpets , trombones , and tuba , with a note at the end on the saxophone family .
23 A horse 's degree of tolerance , or passivity , as opposed to impatience and irritability , will be very important in relation to what we want to do with the horse .
24 For anyone seriously looking at the desktop publishing market it is vital that you have a clear understanding of what you want to do with the technology , regardless of the actual hardware or software .
25 The majority of potential users of desktop publishing systems have a definite idea of what they want to do with the system ; publish a newsletter , produce catalogues , spruce up company reports , etc .
26 Well you follow up what you want to do with the company when you 've thought about what I 've said to you
27 Your choice therefore could be boiled down to whether you want to start with the " real thing " on video , as an example of what the unit is about , or whether you want to keep the most realistic example for later , to reinforce what has gone before .
28 Well you want to start with the bottom number on the bottom do n't you ?
29 A charter in 1033 , granting the manor of Patrington to the Archbishop of York , describes the boundaries of the manor which , except on the south where changes have taken place along the river Humber , appear to coincide with the present boundaries of the parish .
30 I want to live with the living .
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