Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] it so " in BNC.

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1 Because you get that silence in the room and mmm you want to fill it so but you 're right the use of the pause effective and particularly with a variation in pitch that gives that emphasis the two combined together can be very very effective .
2 It was a trick and she knew it , to ask a personal question then appear to forget it so any answer would seem to be volunteered with all the humiliation of confession .
3 no of course you would n't , I do n't suppose Mr would , but the whole purpose of a brochure like this , is not necessary a dishonourable purpose , it 's a hook the punter , to use Mr elegant word , he want to make it so simple to hook the punter and make him or her say to himself that 's where we want to live and set their heart on it , that 's all the purpose of this brochure in it ? or is the
4 And the surround used to have nice fancy work round you know to make it so it would n't stand on the table cos me mother bought one of those because it used to be a bit dangerous on the table if you knocked it you see and
5 I like to make it so the viewer has an experience unto his or herself .
6 However , when circumstances arise to make it so , then a different pattern emerges .
7 Thing is , I 've got my heater right in front of my wardrobe , and I 've to move it so someone 'll open my bloody wardrobe .
8 Though goodness knows why they think they have to do it so early in the morning .
9 And we need to understand it so we can produce it ourselves .
10 ‘ We have to balance it so they last seven days .
11 The window keeps getting misty and I have to rub it so I can see through .
12 Cos you have to have it so the gas so high , it must be really boiling hot and you just stir fry the vegetables all round this
13 Yeah , thirty five to forty five , cos they have to take it so many from each age group
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