Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] on the " in BNC.

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1 They give better support at the edges than a sprung base so they 're a practical choice if you tend to sit on the bed .
2 However , animal experiments have shown that , if tobacco extracts are painted on rabbits ' ears , cancerous growths tend to appear on the skin of the ear .
3 I intend to concentrate on the two subjects of today 's debate , education and employment .
4 Because of time , I intend to concentrate on the European dimension .
5 The Liberal Democrats intend to concentrate on the prevention of crime by putting more policemen on the beat and setting up special committees to discuss law and order .
6 This has meant that many studies tend to concentrate on the objective assessment of a fiscally quantifiable reality .
7 The report also criticised the current boom in real-life crime re-enactments , which again tend to concentrate on the most violent crimes .
8 Television is such a visual medium that we all tend to concentrate on the images and not the words .
9 Local authority loans for house purchase are more likely to be made to manual groups and they tend to concentrate on the purchase of older dwellings .
10 As is the case with most areas of text-linguistics , linguists tend to concentrate on the analysis of signalling devices in English and extrapolate from that to other languages .
11 What sources of power can groups and key individuals bring to bear on the budgetary process ?
12 To understand what the issue is really about , we must look more carefully at the premises they bring to bear on the discussion of reduction ; for this debate functions as a strait-jacket , stifling the very assumptions and aspirations which lie at the heart of the dispute .
13 In public bureaucracies there may be conflicts of interest between different levels of the hierarchy arising from the values which different strata bring to bear on the policies being pursued by the government .
14 We bring to bear on the various officers and employees and shareholders and others associated with the corporation our ordinary standards of personal responsibility .
15 All this supposes that the persons mentioned want to go on the search trek in the first place .
16 ‘ I want to go on the stage , ’ she had said , six long months ago now .
17 well no , but not on , to town , but there might be somewhere they want to go on the way
18 Tory vice-chairman Andrew Mitchell has written to all candidates asking if they want to remain on the list and requesting a new CV .
19 region in terms of the general business conditions , or the second most optimistic so it 's not entirely surprising that they now say that they expect to invest on the back of the strength of that optimism .
20 Want to sit on the floor mate ?
21 What kind of people what you expect to see on the local council in Nottingham ?
22 Want to come on the Grand Canyon with me ? ’
23 Er and I say I want to come on the on the phone and I want to talk to James , I want to put him straight , I tell him that we 're not doing this and I want to tell him that we actually erm know that er the people will be concerned about us giving ourselves a huge pay rise .
24 I 'll tell you everything you want to know on the telephone now .
25 And now you want to work on the exhibition you were so all-fired about , I was so inspired by , same deal , huh ?
26 If you just want to work on the length of pipe between the cistern and the taps , shut the gatevalve first ( if there is one ) opening the taps will drain the pipe .
27 Now , however , I want to concentrate on the 15 years during which the two of them lived and worked together , and Pollock made a bid to change the course of what was then thought of as modern art .
28 Some MEPs want ultimately to take over from the council the main responsibility for passing EC laws , while others want to concentrate on the right to appoint the European Commission .
29 By March 1989 Paddy Hopkins of MEG was arguing against the type of short-term development involved in mining and in favour of development based on indigenous , renewable natural resources , especially on the tourist and leisure industries : ‘ We want to concentrate on the development of tourism to provide jobs , not the short-term benefit — perhaps five years — which mining would bring ’ .
30 I want to concentrate on the week in Adelaide in January 1933 that brought it all to a head , and the personal dilemma I faced as the Teuter-Press Association correspondent .
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