Example sentences of "[vb base] [to-vb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I do , however , have some minor reservations about their approach to individual movements ( the Finale of Op. 51 No. 1 strikes me as a little lacking in urgency , for example ) and the recordings tend to emphasise a rather compressed dynamic range .
2 Since Cisco first appeared in shops last year , local hospitals have reported an unusual number of teenagers ( who tend to like the relatively weak ‘ wine coolers ’ ) checking in with alcohol poisoning after drinking the stuff .
3 Although these classifications and their spatial patterns tend to confirm the generally accepted view of rural population already discussed here and in Chapter 4 , Webber and Craig admit that multivariate classification is a subject on which virtually no two practitioners agree either in the UK or in other countries like France ( Chapius , 1973 ) and therefore argue that the crucial test should not be the methodology but whether the classifications are useful .
4 Many of them wear slippers around the house , and if they tend to shuffle a little as their joints stiffen , rugs become dangerous obstacles to their safe movement from room to room .
5 As their relationship to the USSR is well known , the armed forces tend to attract the more pro-Soviet elements of the population .
6 ‘ You really think I want to see a stunningly beautiful woman strung out on drugs ? ’
7 If you want to see a very Greek place that is neither the urban mess of contemporary Athens nor the deracinated tourist prettiness of some of the islands , go to Aegina .
8 Instead they want to see a more gradual approach backed by a cut in interest rates .
9 We want to see the environmentally friendly development of electricity .
10 ‘ Every client I treat usually loses at least an inch — so it 's ideal if you 're going out for the evening and want to wear a specially tight outfit . ’
11 ‘ I want to wear a really sexy off-the-shoulder dress with a tight waist , ’ she said yesterday .
12 It is usually staffed by Macintosh enthusiasts who think that they are onto a good thing and often appear to enjoy a remarkably short life span …
13 Work schemes of this type are , none the less , especially difficult to fund , and neither the NHS nor social services have regarded them as their responsibility , a situation which must change if we want to provide a more fulfilling life for people with mental disorder .
14 Rather , they appear to demand a relatively straightforward attempt at a political reading of the situation rather than the citing of some supposed mental or cultural condition .
15 Expatriates expect to receive no less annual leave than they are entitled to in their home countries .
16 Women affected by mild to moderately severe degrees of bulimia appear to reap the most benefit from attending group sessions .
17 The four men want to open a much needed bakery in their home town of Marghita in Romania .
18 These implications are explored in some detail in the next chapter , but in this one I want to elaborate a little on the model itself by considering more closely how it bears upon certain current issues in the pedagogy of language teaching .
19 ‘ So if you want to hear the most wretched sound ever invented , just look out for the next album … ! ’
20 In this section , however , I want to discuss the rather different possibility that some changes are essentially random .
21 It 's not that I want to play the most difficult things ; I really do n't .
22 The genetic view might at first sight appear to constitute a supremely historical way of thinking about literature , as the literary text was explained in terms of its causes and its origins .
23 I propose to use a fairly dark hardwood , or even stained oak depending on the cost .
24 Some adjectives — notably superlatives , comparatives , and ordinals — appear to give a grammatically acceptable result when they occur in predicative position accompanied by an article : ( 16 ) Larry 's answer was the rudest Waddington Junior was a third [ e.g. boy caught cheating ] the rat was the other [ e.g. animal which solved the maze ] Analogous sentences with most adjectives would be quite ungrammatical , even though it would sometimes be easy to see what the sentence " ought " to mean , as in the first case of ( 17 ) for instance : ( 17 ) Larry 's answer was the rude [ e.g. out of those we received ] a red coathanger was the noticeable The reason for these facts is , ultimately , that the superlatives , comparatives and ordinals are unlike other adjectives in being inherently restrictive , and always presupposing what we may call an extraction set , within which the restriction is exercised .
25 When you first have eye to eye contact everything is new , splendid , you want to do the very best for each other , you want to look your best , you want to tell them all the good things and eventually you get married .
26 The fact that some deaf people appear to use a completely different form of coding just as effectively , makes it essential that some re-assessment of the models be made .
27 One intriguing possibility is that the proteins encoded by MCC and APC interact to form a biologically active complex .
28 ‘ She told me she always put the most beautiful girls next to Bernard when setting the table for a party , and that I should do the same , because you want to give the best to the man you love . ’
29 Want to build a more positive outlook .
30 If you want to study the most refined version of clothes-talk , just look at all the elegant women who have been turning up in court recently .
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