Example sentences of "[vb base] [det] it 's " in BNC.

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1 Okay erm right I mean this It 's a bit of a catch twenty two .
2 I want that it 's on the tape , turn it off .
3 Well , unless I get some it 's there what that 's meant to be .
4 Absolutely fuck all it 's recording .
5 It 's probably an easier group to work with , because personality-wise the three guys have such a focus on what they do that it 's very easy to work with them .
6 ‘ Sometimes , ’ he admits , ‘ I hear things that sound so ridiculously like something I do that it 's not funny . ’
7 find out what they actually need which is the second part and to do that once you do that it 's quite easy , as I say once you 've actually made contact with them and you are on a friendly basis , you then , you can hold very very useful conversation and let them come over quite naturally .
8 overnight and if they generally do that it 's two more car loads
9 Well I think he felt er as I do that it 's unfortunate that matters have gone this far .
10 This is the mental adjustment that has to be made at Verdon — you start your route with several hundred metres already below you , but once you rationalise this it 's just a steep , very solid crag !
11 The circulation is erm is has grown every year we 've had it and that 's very important because erm a lot of the subscrip a lot of the circulation of Les Echo is in fact a subscription in advance such it 's cash generating qualities are high even when the profits are down .
12 Erm , just to go back a wee bit to the thing about th the image and and the fight that we have on our hands er , to actually break into the media , I do n't , I think people underestimate the control an and er the feeling that men have that it 's their game and we 're not gon na take it away from them !
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