Example sentences of "[vb base] [vb pp] on my " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I feel I shall die of misery … when I die I want written on my tombstone : ‘ Here Lies a Child Who Perished Miserably From Homesickness ’ . '
2 And I had to get a box and many a time I 've fallen on my back from that so Cos somebody had moved the boxes I think .
3 It 's not that I 've come on my own because it 's something that is seen as just my problem , because as I said , Tom does n't seem that interested either .
4 I 've come on my own . ’
5 I 've decided on my dispositions at last . ’
6 They 've got on my car .
7 Since then , whenever I have any worries , I 've focused on my weight .
8 ‘ You still have n't told me why you 've walked on my property — and what have you to do with Rose ? ’
9 ‘ Lewis , ’ Hari said in exasperation , ‘ please give me credit for some sense , how do you think I 've survived on my own since my father died ?
10 I was introduced to Punch at the age of 12 , grew up on Basil Boothroyd and have relied on my weekly ‘ fix ’ to get me through life 's crises over the past 47 years — including moving house six times , several bereavements , liquidation ( yes , me too ! ! ) , my daughter 's attempted suicide and my recent divorce .
11 I have noticed on my Brother electronic that not all patterns look as good enlarged as they do when knitted at normal size .
12 I have drawn on my earlier book , Arridge ( 1975 ) , referred to as ( MP ) , for parts of the present book .
13 Neil can I ask you have n't have got on my eyes looking for it , but I ca n't see any reference at all in your report to local authority engineering craftsmen .
14 I have put on my er , general skills and abilities , working with others I wanted some social
15 As erm as a doctor , Bill , I have ingrained on my heart Aneurin Bevan 's words when the National Health Service was introduced in this country by the post-war Labour government , against the wishes of my colleagues , and he commented that he would erm cross our palms with silver , and he did that very successfully , with the result that he stifled a lot of opposition amongst some very powerful people , and erm of course when you 're trying to introduce a new scheme such as this and you 're terribly keen that erm it should take off and be successful , you do , of course , cross palms with silver .
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