Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But it was n't just Tyson 's playing credentials and Satriani 's say so that impressed original members Dan Arlie and Eric Valentine .
2 He has his sleuth say once that to commit a murder you need four aces .
3 If we say well that looks a bit awkward so we 're going to plot the Y against sine X or the y against log X
4 She could almost feel the electrical impulse of them , some challenge there that made her feel threatened … and yet made her heart beat a fearful tattoo inside her chest , recognising that danger was a roller-coaster ride and that fear was often closely followed by exhilaration .
5 He was given a brain scan there that showed he did not need immediate brain surgery .
6 All nuclei consist of neutrons and protons , and it is the rearrangement of those constituents when nuclei come together and break apart that releases energy .
7 Making things which look just that bit better is so easy , it 's worth a little extra trouble and will surely take you out of the learner stage .
8 We know also that according to the Authority 's primary heads , PNP INSET made no impact on their practice in this area .
9 Now we 're delighted to see you here because we know that the , the G M B shares this view and we know that you 've also been in the forefront of introducing technology , er and we know also that having you here er , having your conference here , helps us enormously to continue this process of raising the profile of the trades unions , the trades council , the labour movement in the city .
10 I tell ya if you can , if you know anywhere that 's got one
11 Well I , I mean now that does n't sound , that 's not such a an Irish statement as it sounds , actually .
12 We consider it strange that adults ( teachers , parents , publishers of textbooks and examiners ) behave as if they believe both that manipulating fractions is a useful skill and that most children can acquire this skill .
13 Note also that according to the organization chart , A is the designated manager of B , B of C , and C of D.
14 Suppose now that Pry and the seller of the house have reached agreement on the sale , but no formal acceptance of Pry 's offer has been drawn up by the seller 's solicitors .
15 We find today that using the media is something which we all want to do , we all want to get our message across , we all want to get over our aims and our objectives .
16 As for the more general question of overseas reprocessing at Dounreay , I emphasise again that spent nuclear fuel has been reprocessed there for more than 30 years — safely and without any adverse effects on the environment .
17 Well that 's but I 've , I 've got to er , so I think definitely that wants to come out .
18 Yeah , I I 've well that makes a change you know I mean some of my stuff 's come back from them and I 've wondered whether they 've read it .
19 It is doubtful , in these expensive times , if there is a sports book anywhere that offers better value for money .
20 ‘ What job is it you have here that makes you so much more likely than the rest of your family to attain a Mercedes ? ’
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