Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Drexel successfully pioneered a mezzanine layer of financing between equity and bank debt for medium-sized American companies .
2 Geschwind once proposed a theory concerning association areas in the brain ( Geschwind 1974 ) .
3 Jalloud also invited a French examining magistrate , Jean-Louis Bruguière , to return , " but not aboard a warship " .
4 After staring around and grunting a lot , Spunk reflexively saved a drunken girl from being roughed up in a sidewalk fracas outside a singles ' bar .
5 Qassam immediately issued a statement threatening to kill Toledano unless the Israeli authorities released from prison Sheikh Ahmed Yassin , the founder and leader of Hamas .
6 Tess bravely made a little cross and put it at the head of the grave one evening , when she could enter the churchyard without being seen .
7 Zach hurriedly unpacked a soft flat parcel .
8 And Ive never seen a ball hit from that far out , rise in a straight line ( showing the power behind it ) .
9 Ill-health does not appear to have been a long-lasting problem , for , with John Field , Moorcroft soon established a flourishing practice , eventually with stabling for 63 sick horses , in Oxford Street , and a further 20 stalls at a branch in Hammersmith .
10 Riemann even envisaged a theory of physics compatible with modern quantum theory .
11 In later years Bate also rented a house in Hampstead where he died 27 December 1847 .
12 But there are all sorts of reasons why we do n't get that news , one guy said well if we wanted to do it I know if we wanted to make the news that , according to the level of human suffering we 'd start off with Ethiopia then we 'd have the Kurdish problem and you know just made a living of disaster areas around the world , he said we might of finished up with a light hearted discussion on the poll tax , you know as the , as the light , the lightener at the end of the news if you like , and our , what news we receive here depends on our perception of the world , but mainly it 's the other way round our perception of the world is , is what , you know what it , or rather the news that we get actually manufactures our perception of the world .
13 Born into the challenging world of mid-19th century Britain , Punch soon displayed a robust originality .
14 A student at the theological college where I teach once told a most illuminating story when I was conducting a seminar on this passage .
15 They actually like well argued a sort of elegant prototype concept so if you 're gon na present a model theory , they like it sort of well thought through , rather than a half-baked airy-fairy model .
16 Jazeel eventually scraped a share a third spot behind Ben Hanbury 's short head winner Polish Laughter .
17 Moving offices and such at work , in fact we ve just had a drink to ‘ celebrate ’ so please excuse any slurred words and the like …
18 The Foreign Languages at Work ( FLAW ) scheme also experienced a good year , with candidate numbers up by 38 per cent .
19 Albert , she had remarked — Rose had n't known Twitch even had a Christian name — is like pummy stone , whereas Naseby ( who had had a definite smirk on his face when he saw her new hat ) is like Irritating Plaster , he causes irruptions .
20 Labour fully supported a settlement freeze .
21 The byplay with Bouilhet was just teasing , the outer edge of vivid male friendship : Gustave never committed a single homosexual act in all his life .
22 Robert Plant recently released a great solo album Jimmy Page released a rather disappointing album with David Coverversion That 's all I know .
23 Stress undoubtedly proved a major problem for social workers whose responsibility extended beyond investigation of child sexual abuse referral to a determination of child care outcomes .
24 Waqar recently signed a three-year deal to stay at Surrey , estimated to be worth around £50,000 a year with bonuses .
25 Cos you 've effectively got a dead short through an ammeter whereas a a volt meter 's got a a hun , a high er resistance or an open circuit , effectively .
26 They 've mostly enjoyed a high standard of living and voted conservative .
27 ‘ I 've never had any problem getting women into bed , it 's true , ’ he drawled , ‘ But I 've rarely felt a mutual attraction as intense as the one we share .
28 I 've rarely heard a more entertaining interview .
29 ‘ I 've suddenly acquired a stepbrother , as he pointed out .
30 They , they 've suddenly had a few outbreaks of polio have n't they ?
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