Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The Saturday Review rather patronizingly commented that it was ‘ agreeably written ’ , and ‘ recommended to general readers ’ .
2 Controlling activities arc so closely linked to Planning and Decision-making activities that it would be advisable to study the next two chapters in conjunction with Chapters 16 and 17 .
3 While it may be bad news for the top two auctioneers it seems to many that Phillips and Bonhams will both benefit , for they appear much more prepared to accept lower value items for their sales .
4 The notion that you have a group of children that you can categorize , say like partially sighted , or maladjusted , or educationally subnormal , and that they should have a special education , is one that 's been increasingly challenged over the years and I think the Warnock Report actually moves considerably away from that notion and says no , we do n't want to separate off a particular group because they appear to have a single erm or even a multiple disability , what we want to do is to look at the needs of each individual child and ask what is it about that particular child that makes the achievement of education objectives more difficult than another child .
5 Erm whether And the District Council as you say clearly clearly considered it appropriate that it should not expand any further at that time .
6 Rectangular towers , also unexcavated , appear fairly evenly spaced along the exterior of the wall on at least two sides , but their relationship to the wall remains unknown .
7 In Vl , CO-rich regions appear as regularly spaced blobs in the upper layers of the cerebral cortex while , in V2 , they appear as stripes .
8 It is noteworthy that only London Authorities appear as most deprived by these criteria .
9 And in your Ks whenever you come across a word that starts with a K make sure you put it in your book and have a look at those occasionally so that you 're pretty sure you know all these K words and then if it is n't you say well okay got to be a C.
10 Wales , Yorkshire and Humberside , and East Midlands always fare worse on the morbidity indicators than on the SMRs ; and West Midlands and the South-West always appear even more advantaged on these morbidity indicators .
11 It is not known why Arcadius was opposed to Theuderic 's regime , but Riculf quite clearly hoped that changes at the centre would improve his prospects in his own civitas .
12 One does n't want to wallow in the nostalgia trap so temptingly set by TV Heaven and its bebow-tied host Frank Muir ( though they show Honor Blackman in her Avengers leather kit , it 's hard to resist ) , but Old Boy Network is a long way from The Likely Lads .
13 This ‘ splendid isolation ’ was explicable twenty or even ten years ago when the field of humanities computing was so wide open and the methods appropriate to historical teaching and research so poorly developed .
14 After having a challenge for the domestic middleweight title demolished by Bunny Sterling who stopped him in eight rounds , Hope once more returned with a vigorous sequence of wins culminating in a challenge for the world light-middleweight title held by Eckhard Dagge in Berlin .
15 Laying his blooded axe beside her twisted form , Bash once more turned to the letters …
16 Picture almost certainly taken in Maniema Province , eastern Congo , now Zaïre , some time in the winter of 1964 .
17 The advantage of the group system is that it ensures that members of the respective parties put forward clear cut views at the meetings of the council .
18 Tess no longer attached any importance to Clare 's interest in her .
19 Sycorax no longer leaked whatever liquids or foods she was able to consume , as she had during the worst of her fever , and Ariel could prop her up into a sitting position , and then , presenting her shoulders to her , go down on one knee to hoist her piggy-back and carry her to the privy in the forest a few minutes ' walk away .
20 Paige very nearly shot out of her skin at the sound of Travis 's voice .
21 This suggests a closeness to Foucault 's notion of genealogy that the more strictly academic new historicists , whose own politics remain more carefully hidden , ignore .
22 A diving duck most easily recognised by strikingly peaked , almost triangular shape of head : also has distinctive white neck , broad white wing-bars and yellow eye .
23 The type of copper pipe most commonly used in plumbing is not easy to bend by hand .
24 The Lanesborough 's design team from Ezra Attia Associates came up with suitably residential interiors , although the smaller rooms seem rather heavily furnished .
25 Rules seem less strictly enforced .
26 He spoke of his incentive to art as being that of ‘ exhilarated despair ’ and from nearly all of his paintings there emerges a scream as chilling as that which Munch so memorably depicted 99 years ago .
27 large plates of rock seem only marginally attached as I follow the rope tugging gently from over my shoulder .
28 The three species of bee seem so closely related that they must have evolved from a single carrion-eating ancestor .
29 Such adaptations grab our attention because the characters seem so well designed for the job they perform .
30 If we wish to know why hysteria is now so rare and why modern forms of psychopathology in general seem so often removed from their classical , nineteenth and early twentieth-century manifestations , we may now be in a position to give at least part of the answer .
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