Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] on the " in BNC.

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1 Will the hon. Gentleman please lay them on the table ?
2 Certainly , according to Hardie , ‘ in the case of allocating insurance premiums on particular lines of cover when setting individual budgets for the following year , head offices could look at their operating units ’ past claims records and load them on the poor performers while even awarding the equivalent of no claims bonuses to the good ones .
3 Then they would bring their talons forward and reach their beaks out and in one swift movement crash them on the surface of the still lake , and out of the splashing spray caused by their wings as they beat to gain height again they would rise struggling with a fish in their talons . ’
4 Emotivism claims that the distinctive meaning of ethical words lies in their power ( in virtue of our early linguistic conditioning ) to stimulate emotions and attitudes in a hearer , and vent them on the part of the speaker .
5 But you pat me on the bottom and send me home , and hope I 'll ‘ keep in touch ’ !
6 We pat them on the back , as if they were dogs ;
7 The boys spear them on the reef .
8 She stripped the bed and lay me on the bed .
9 Make the invitations in the shape of a skull and crossbones and place them on the door instead of balloons .
10 If you just place them on the back seat of your car , or they are removed from an arrangement and not packed up in any special way , some of the petals will almost definitely become bruised , which will cause brown lines , patches and spots once the flowers have been pressed .
11 Then , with the right side of the garment facing the machine , pick up the stitches around the neck and place them on the machine .
12 They erm , what they do they drive these big Tugmasters now with these lorries so that they plant all these erm forty foot trailers with er with er erm with a container on and place them on the ship .
13 It would be possible to test a large sample of readers , who would read nine texts and place them on the network .
14 Beside him on the counter were large dirty bottles of gilt glass from which he would take out the stoppers and daub them on the sleeves of passers-by .
15 ‘ We would light matches and while the heads were still hot press them on the ticks — a long job .
16 Remove the stitches from the standard gauge machine with the garter bar and replace them on the chunky machine .
17 You know , particularly , you know the female may have only a state pension you know the part state pension nothing else coming in , and a lot of these accounts are still net , not gross , so the revenue have got money to give away , and they 're quite happy to do that providi providing that people tap them on the shoulder .
18 I thought we were going to walk down the line of men , touch them on the shoulder maybe , like some cop programme on TV , but that was n't it at all .
19 If you ever get to be a concert violinist , which I personally doubt , you 'll always wonder if people want you on the platform because of your looks or because you 're any good . ’
20 Temple could write with perfect confidence in his audience that though he would not ‘ strain the reader 's capacity by asking him to imagine a native Governor of a Colony or Protectorate ’ or even a native Colonial Secretary of Nigeria — a proposal which ‘ does not come within the bounds of practical politics ’ — he counted it an advantage of Indirect Rule that under it ‘ the native can and does fill not only positions of great responsibility but the highest positions , positions which place him on the social scale on an equality with the King 's representative himself ’ .
21 Place him on the bed . ’
22 But while these were unfortunate , and inclined to make Rachel crumple up her forehead and lecture her on the scientific method and the importance of mental clarity , there was no real danger in such remarks .
23 I often have to get up with Graham , carry him into the living room and nurse him into the living room and nurse him on the armchair .
24 ‘ I asked my childminder to do what I do when Laura is naughty , and that is tap her on the hand and tell her ‘ no ’ — and that is all , ’ she explained .
25 I kiss him on the cheek .
26 Fax her on the other line .
27 Then I imagine she turns round and I lean over and kiss her on the mouth .
28 Holding out her hand , her smile wide , she said , ‘ It 's good to see you home again , Martin , ’ and his answer was to take her hand and kiss her on the cheek and say , ‘ It 's good to be home , Aunt .
29 ‘ Well , here we are , ’ Andy says , sitting forward and slapping his hands on his knees , then taking the J when I tap him on the elbow .
30 I told the others , ‘ we either write some new songs and start behaving like a proper band again or knock it on the head , this time for good ’ .
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