Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] need a " in BNC.

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1 I mean I need a rest .
2 If you phone in t erm the Talking Yellow Pages and say I need a conference centre in Derbyshire , they 'll probably tell you that one .
3 I expect you need a chap you know well , someone you feel comfortable with , not these one-nighters . ’
4 ‘ He came right into the carriage from the corridor and said , ‘ I expect you need a hand , sir , ’ ’ Jonathon explained .
5 — What d' you need a job for anyway ? — You know I want one .
6 " Vokins , what d' you need a ham for ? "
7 Cry , cry You need a cigarette now do you ?
8 I mean some you can stop 'em with a s sheet of thick paper or others will go through very solid objects and as you say you need a good sheet of lead to stop it .
9 say you need a box of disks for each of them
10 The gypsies say they need a site for up to 40 caravans but there is continuing opposition to such a plan .
11 Others say he needs a very tiny brain .
12 No listen , listen you need a two litre bottle of chlorine which must contain sodium hy hypochlorite
13 It might work at international level but at club level you need a hardworking manager with a good business head .
14 Well no , because I mean you need a telly lic telly do n't you ?
15 To attempt such change you need an accurate sense of what opportunities and risks are involved .
16 And he would then go round picking up his mates and say er you know I need a holder-on , I need a rivet boy , etcetera until such time as he got a squad together , and that squad would start in the morning as a squad .
17 ‘ For this , I guess I need a large brandy . ’
18 Thank God I 'm fully recovered , but I feel I need a fresh look to make a new start . ’
19 Come now … y'know I need a good listener , and you are a good listener . ’
20 Suppose we need a dragon in a drama .
21 While I was there I thought I 'd ask about our system as I believe we need a more sophisticated printer .
22 First I believe if we are going to seek a broader approach to the problems of law and order , I feel we need a broader electorate than the existing members of a police authority .
23 I feel we need a poet to tell of the contribution made to our Christian Aid Week by those who stay at home and bake so that the baking stall can be kept so magnificently supplied every day .
24 Erm , again a suggestion from Richard that he feel , that we feel we need a new , a procedure for creating a procedure .
25 I believe they need a more direct winger , someone in the Gordon Strachan mould who will get into crossing positions and put the ball in first time .
26 She writes , ‘ If anyone is visiting the South West and feel they need a knitting ‘ fix ’ , they would be very welcome to visit us . ’
27 I know that some parents might become tense while waiting to see their children , and they feel they need a cigarette to calm their nerves .
28 I feel it needs a few points tidied up such as data entry checking , i.e. only allowing a maximum of 8 characters to be typed into a date field and being able to press Esc to return to menu at any time during data entry .
29 Problems with their original pitch mean they need a new home venue and are always looking for new members , including men .
30 But if you stay you need a job …
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