Example sentences of "[vb base] [pers pn] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 The Spear & Jackson Neverbend range has an excellent hand trowel and fork ( about £5 ) , the 12in wooden handles of which make them suitable for many jobs .
2 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
3 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
4 Unfortunately the major forage grass species have complex life-cycles which make them unsuitable for some experiments .
5 Their diet of fruit , insects and small mammals make them unsuitable for release elsewhere , says a spokesman for the Rio primate centre : " You could save one species but wipe out 40 others . "
6 Indeed , Ernest Bevin , speaking at a union dinner , maintained that , if there is a new conception of the objects of industry , then there can be created in this country … conditions which will minimize strikes and probably make them non-existent for 25 years . ’
7 ‘ Maybe I 'll make things worthwhile for you — if you make them worthwhile for me . ’
8 I have already drawn attention to the power there is in weakness and it is often the case that God is able to take ordinary weak things of this world and make them powerful for him .
9 Time and space " in nature " are continuous ; we make them discontinuous for our human social purposes , and we do so in a great variety of different ways .
10 There are no animal derived ingredients in any of the products which make them ideal for vegetarians and all formulations meet with BAUV standards .
11 LEFT : The speed and power of alsatians like Troy make them ideal for security patrols and public order control .
12 The suggestion is that this will reduce their chances of finding such work themselves and make them dependent for informal assistance on others whose circumstances are similar to their own .
13 Chronically dry soils lack organic buffers and are often strongly sodic , saline , acid or alkaline , with free soluble salts that make them unattractive for plant colonization .
14 And thank you for this day and make me grateful for what I 've got .
15 We want him available for Thursday , ’ added the United manager .
16 To discourage petty claims , most insurers make you liable for the first £25 .
17 you owe me that for a year .
18 Give them ten for it .
19 give me another for that .
20 Oh , yeah , er , give you half for that .
21 The absence of a market rate of interest will obviously be a disincentive to lending but the law deals with this too : ‘ If there be among you a poor man of one of thy brethren within any of thy gates … thou shalt not harden thine heart nor shut thine hand from thy poor brother : But thou shalt … surely lend him sufficient for his need , in that which he wanteth ’ ( Deut. 15:7–8 ) .
22 Health regulations are subject to change , and you should check with your own doctor prior to departure as to which inoculations the Department of Health consider it necessary for specific areas .
23 obviously preferable to get evidence given about the documentation which is why I advise , consider it necessary for your Lordship to familiarise yourself with it now .
24 ‘ Where a local authority consider it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area — ( a ) they may prosecute … any legal proceedings …
25 ‘ ( 1 ) Where a local authority consider it expedient for the promotion or protection of the interests of the inhabitants of their area — ( a ) they may prosecute or defend or appear in any legal proceedings and , in the case of civil proceedings , may institute them in their own name …
26 As soon as she could , she resumed the normal pattern of her life , getting up at 7.30 a.m. to prepare breakfast for the older children and get them ready for school .
27 Do you want to go and shimmy off while I get them ready for bed ?
28 At Bayeux in 1946 he had quoted the ancient Greek lawmaker Solon , who was asked to name the best constitution and replied : " Tell me first for which people and in which era . "
29 Although I draw them all for you ,
30 Get you fit for the dancing .
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