Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun pl] that you " in BNC.

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1 apart from being positive in putting your point across and erm being clear in things that you say things that you do being strong about it
2 Challenge cases that you disagree with .
3 Imagine friends that you see only once a year , say at Christmas time .
4 Show others that you are listening to them .
5 Have to aim at them , what time and you know things that You 're alright , do n't worry !
6 Get numbers that you ca n't express exactly ?
7 Over the years of flying at almost every conceivable airshow location in the UK , Lindsey has had a few unusual requests along the way : ‘ I can remember a certain airshow organiser , who was very active on the airshow scene then , but not now , coming up to me and saying ‘ Lindsey , how much do you want to bail out at the end of one of these dogfight routines that you do ? ’ ,
8 Right , so you sort of er find activities that you can actually
9 This can be kindly meant , but your hearing loss must not mean that you discuss matters that you would prefer not to discuss , solely because it gives an opportunity for conversation .
10 Talking Pages see are n't designed to look under names they find things that you 're not sure of the names and things .
11 They do things that you do n't normally get from average places
12 ‘ I suggest you look at the evidence with your own eyes before you start accusations that you might find impossible to back up .
13 Sometimes I answer questions that you will ask in a while , sometimes I respond to queries from moments ago .
14 It must be a phrase or short sentence , and include words that you feel the children need to learn to spell , e.g. " The sun is really shining . "
15 So in see things that you can do in future let me know .
16 Sometimes you dream things that you 've never sort of c Have you finished with engines ?
17 But think about it any form of any form of problem that you have arguments that you have tend to tend to develop like that .
18 If you have symptoms that you think may be caused by food intolerance you should not feel affronted if the doctor 's initial questions seem rather personal and irrelevant to the aches and pains being suffered .
19 Obviously it 's harder to get a peek at the innards if you 're buying via mail order , but many direct sellers now have showrooms that you can visit .
20 There are , of course , many alarm systems that you could fit to a home and prices range enormously. , It is best to take advice from a good security expert .
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