Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] be in " in BNC.

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1 Also popular are almond-stuffed olives ( although I always think the nuts suffer for being in the pickling brine ) and those filled with tiny pieces of anchovy , which balance the flavour of the fruits beautifully .
2 I long for being in real contact with them .
3 Travel the roads of Italy , and petrol-engine cars appear to be in the minority .
4 We appear to be in the cosmopolitan city world of the uprooted .
5 Though two of the G7 countries — Britain and America — now appear to be in recession , the likeliest outlook for the world in 1991 is a tolerable mixture of slower growth and lower inflation than of late , with a brighter year to follow in 1992 .
6 Indeed , all the advertisements appear to be in English , trumpeting such anglophonic necessities as the United Colors of Benetton .
7 In performance you often appear to be in a state of deep meditation .
8 This is , of course , a time of smokescreens so far as the Masters is concerned and to hear some of the Europeans talk over the last few days , they appear to be in need of the psychiatrist 's couch as much as anything .
9 You appear to be in some sort of surreal shopping mall , with the world 's TV laid out for purchase : you almost feel like you should have a shopping trolley , to wheel up and down the aisles .
10 Even if appliances appear to be in good order , allow for the cost of immediate testing and servicing by the Gas Board , CORGI registered contractor or , in the case of oil , the oil company 's nominee , as soon as you move in .
11 They appear to be in a catatonic state , but this is deceptive because they may then suddenly bite the hand that holds them .
12 The so-called ‘ alternative ’ or ‘ complementary ’ medical scene embraces a large number of different ideas , theories and treatments , many of which appear to be in conflict with each other .
13 What makes it seem real is that you are able to change where you appear to be in the room .
14 A surprising number of traders , not to say software houses , still appear to be in a state of blissful ignorance about the new requirements .
15 ‘ We appear to be in some sort of glass box , ’ said the Thing .
16 With so much vigilance about , it is surprising how human and mature the working classes appear to be in many novels .
17 Connected speech processes ( CSP ) are phenomena such as the deletions and assimilations characteristic of allegro speech , which appear to be in some way phonetically motivated rather than linguistically arbitrary variation .
18 The violence of the Demoiselles has given way to a mood of gravity : the monumental figures appear to be in reverie or slumber .
19 Plans to build a toxic waste incinerator in Renfrew appear to be in jeopardy .
20 Earlier reports that this use has been superseded by plastic now appear to be in question .
21 ‘ And , if that was n't enough , even while I 'm realising what an idiot I 'm being to grow so infuriated that you and Lubor Ondrus appear to be in each other 's pockets , you , who have no fear whatsoever of my dog — indeed have that day taken him walking — now seem to be taking him over too !
22 I appear to be in a bit of a slump and I did not play well in Hong Kong .
23 The majority of women expect to be in employment .
24 They expect to be in Japan for two years and will thus be eligible to play for Suntori in the national championship next season .
25 Alternatively , if you expect to be in a high earning bracket , you might consider setting up a limited company , even if you are the only salaried employee , rather than launching the same business as a self-employed individual .
26 It is therefore a subject on which I expect to be in continuing dialogue .
27 People now expect to be in touch when they want .
28 People now expect to be in touch when they want .
29 THE Republic of Ireland expect to have a full strength team out on Wednesday , they expect to beat Lithuania and they expect to be in the USA for next summer 's World Cup finals .
30 I want to be In Love .
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