Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] is that " in BNC.

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1 The advantage of this over , say tuck or slip stitch is that the pattern appears on the right side of the garment .
2 The reason we want regionalisation is that we are the only country within the European Community as it now stands , bar Luxembourg and Ireland , not to have regional Government , regional co-ordination of our economic policies and a proper role for the regions to link across Europe .
3 Our experience at the Royal National Throat , Nose , and Ear Hospital over the past two years in a study of over 200 children aged 3–8 years with chronic ( more than six months ) or recurrent ( more than three episodes ) glue ear is that a high proportion ( over 80% ) have allergic rhinitis and that treatment of this is associated with resolution of the secretory otitis media in most cases .
4 Clearly , then , one answer to our question of how banks create money is that they do so by increasing their lending , provided that they are prepared to accept a change in their portfolio composition .
5 One reason why people in our area consistently vote Labour is that they are told by the Opposition that the whole country owes them a living and that everything that has happened to them — the economic misfortunes of past years — has been inflicted purposely by a Conservative Government .
6 Trivial or shallow , in particular , are criticisms levelled at young women for their concern over their appearance ; one of the worst current insults you can throw at an actress or pop star is that she 's a bimbo — concerned only with her looks and nothing else .
7 But the problem with the idea that it is possible to dismiss structuralism and poststructuralism with the charge that they neglect history is that this argument itself neglects history .
8 The main drawback of the compose screen is that only two staves are displayed at any one time and it is not possible to smoothly scroll across the page which is divided into set sections .
9 The best guess prediction is that by 2030 the concentration of greenhouse gases of all kinds will be equivalent to a doubling of carbon dioxide ( if CO 2 was the only gas , the doubling would not take place until 2080 ) .
10 It 's called the unitary authority the new one would be and I think suggestion is that the city would go separate as opposed to the county .
11 The danger for players who swing out-to-in is that they often have a feeling of swinging in-to-out .
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