Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun sg] [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 You certainly make money if you begin .
2 cream and grow potatoes and all this and probably they have bees and sell honey and you know they eat er they really try to be self- sufficient sort of community as much as they can .
3 For the Reaganites , economic policy was the legislative priority ; first came budget cuts and then tax reduction and it was essential that these should be in place within a few months , before the end of the honeymoon period .
4 So because we 're doing something from our normal end of the spectrum as it were right through to trying to involve everybody in the city , erm we 're hoping to get the issue across to a lot more people , and also raise money while we 're doing it .
5 It is obvious to me now , though perhaps it was not then , that every revolution will evoke a response from those who fear change or who question the wisdom of moving too far or too quickly from the comfort which traditional practice gives .
6 Not only must you spray regularly , but it 's a good idea to vary the brand of spray that you use ; the nasty wee beasties soon develop resistance if you use the same one over and over again , and that 's something worth taking the time to avoid .
7 Many more of the 226 schools that have taken control of their own affairs in the past three years fear victimisation if they are returned to hostile local authorities .
8 ‘ Is this dress-to-impress couture or what ? ’
9 I hope you suffer torture until you die .
10 It 's so repetitive marking your scale and people just lose concentration and I can do this you know and the next minute you you you 've gone up in twos instead of ones .
11 In a social context , it can be difficult to assert status and gain recognition if you 're shy .
12 I invariably gain weight if I 've eaten rice the evening before because it retains water and is often served with spicy food which is dehydrating .
13 I lose weight when I go there because there 's absolutely nothing good to eat and , even if there were , it would cost too much .
14 I say gel but she was a year older than me at least .
15 Or sometimes it 's a kind of ransom — send money or we 'll play noughts and crosses on your Leonardo cartoon .
16 But they gave him their support , none the less , and the first issue , containing political reports , original essays , poetry , and reviews , was announced for the beginning of March , the aim of the publication being , as Coleridge modestly explained , ‘ to proclaim the State of the Political Atmosphere , and preserve Freedom and her Friends from the attacks of Robbers and Assassins ! ! ’
17 Press response If there does not seem to be any response to your press release , do not be afraid to follow it up with a telephone call .
18 Now I suggest Chairman that there are number of on your paper which probably the Committee could really of this stage I think the sort of important ones .
19 We provide tea and we all enjoy the contacts it creates .
20 ‘ We do n't want to be a painfully clichéd screaming and shouting band , we want tension but we want it to be a duel thing , two complete opposites fighting against each other wish us cutting through the middle .
21 If you 're heading for Festival Country and the refined pleasure of Shakespeare and Shaw , head South-West and you 'll be there in 3 hours at most .
22 The younger staff ‘ want overtime or they want call-out money , or God knows what ’ , he said ,
23 Right , so anyway you want bread and you want , we want milk powder do n't we ?
24 I can remember now you say hypnotist but I ca n't remember what happened in the programme but I can remember him .
25 The play is written for a Hertfordshire accent or similar and then you know I enclose and I say return if you do n't like it .
26 Having selected your sleeve / armhole type , a third menu appears for you to select your FRONT NECK type , followed by a fourth menu for the BACK NECK type ( see Fig 1 ) Should you wish to change any of the selections you have made , just press ESCAPE until you get back to the menu that you need to alter .
27 I cry , and I reach out and , lo and behold , I touch wood and I know that it 's one of the posts which hold up the catwalk .
28 If you wish to do neither then you may simply TAB to the next message or press RETURN if you wish to exit the option .
29 you know you stop for twenty minutes , put twenty minutes , and you , you just press return and it throws a map up , a map of part of England
30 I do n't know why you say aitch and your brother says haitch
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