Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I have always tried , in these cases , to ensure that any diversification we seek is found in an area which is contiguous to our own skill base .
2 The most startling illustration of how things can stay the same while they change is found in one of Stein-am-Rhein 's many excellent restaurants .
3 They are not actually all that difficult , as we 've been finding in the teaching that we 've been doing where indeed we have students who take a ten week course , sort of once a week , and by about week six they 're already beginning to do that , they 're beginning to work out their own problems erm puzzles and games and little language understanding programs and that 's commonplace , actually .
4 In previous studies no clearly identifiable risk factors for colorectal cancer have been found except age ( 94% of new colorectal carcinoma occurs in patients over the age of 50 years ) , and family history .
5 The main body of yo the work wo with Corpus will be doing more of the transcription and linking up with what insights have been found about transcribing .
6 Areas of bright stucco work have been found over the first layer of tempera .
7 The oligosaccharides have been found to be particularly concentrated in colostrum — the thick , creamy pre-milk that is produced by the breasts in late pregnancy and during the first few days after birth before the breastmilk proper comes in .
8 Of the females , 82.5 per cent have been found to be pregnant or lactating .
9 Based on our research , we concur with the earlier observation that ‘ paraprofessionals who come from the communities which they serve have been found to be more effective in working with the people as they have close ties and may have insights and information not readily available to the outsider ’ ( IASSW , 1979 , p. 8 ) .
10 Since our article appeared , a group of experts convened by the EC has concluded that ‘ Although clay minerals have been widely used since the Chernobyl accident , the Prussian Blue compounds have been found to be more effective and easier to administer ’ .
11 ( Inimical means that certain remedies have been found to be similar in their action that prescribing them in succession leads to aggravation e.g. Mercury and Silica should n't follow each other without interposing some other remedy ) 2 ) The beauty of the LM system is encompassed in its ability to fulfill §.2 of The Organon :
12 If anything , studies suggest the opposite : children and young adults with crude fantasies of aggression have been found to be more openly aggressive in their behaviour than those whose aggressive fantasies are muted or contain elements indicating that they are as concerned with the dangerous consequences of their aggression as they are with the aggression itself .
13 None of the other species listed in Table 2.1 have been found to be significant accumulators of bone .
14 In a prospective , randomized trial , non-medical therapists ( psychiatric nurses ) have been found to be more effective than general practitioners in the management of female patients and patients with dyadic problems ( Hawton et al. 1987 ) .
15 Workbooks have been found to be particularly useful in institutions where it is necessary to teach large numbers of students .
16 Dr Richard Lacey , pioneer of the research into listeria in this country , has revealed in his studies that out of nearly 100 cook-chill foods from supermarkets , nearly a quarter have been found to be contaminated with listeria .
17 Delay rather than a deviant pattern to language development is reported and 3-year-olds have been found to be 5–8 months behind in their language norms ( Jerger et al .
18 The design of the situation and the process should adhere to standard practices which have been found to be helpful by experience and commonsense .
19 In the case of the breeding tank , undergravel filters have been found to be more than adequate in most situations as long as a few basic concepts are followed .
20 Gravel tidies have been found to be invaluable when it comes to fish digging .
21 More than once flight recorder transducers have been found to be connected up the wrong way round , showing a turn to the left when in fact it was a turn to the right or showing a nose-up attitude when it was really nose-down .
22 For example , introversion and extroversion have been found to be associated with the acceptance of favourable or unfavourable attitudes .
23 Different combinations of these roles have been found to be more effective for certain tasks than others .
24 Other components have been found to be false , or unhelpful .
25 These powers have been found to be completely inadequate to deal with the challenges and problems presented in complex urban situations ’ ( quoted in Alexander 1982b:64 ) .
26 A further 7 per cent ( 31 ) of ulcers occurred above the gaiter area ; trauma may be responsible for some of these , particularly those on the anterior aspect , but the aetiological pattern of ulcers occurring in this region have been found to be so varied that positive aetiological indicators can not be identified from the ulcer site alone .
27 Of the remaining three types of modification , it is the first and second which have been found to be associated with children 's differential rates of progress ( Cross , 1978 ; Ellis , 1978 ) .
28 At Ingoldmells , to the north of Skegness , heaps of debris have been found to be the result of salt-workings in the late Bronze Age .
29 Menstrual disorders have been found to be related to obesity as well as to a predominance of fat in the abdominal region .
30 Moreover , several different approaches have been found to be effective , including all day clinics , nurse coordinated care , and miniclinics .
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