Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] take to " in BNC.

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1 Others love a day by the sea or an afternoon in the country ; and many most enjoy being taken to the homes of relatives or friends for a meal .
2 If the " we " code is taken to be the one which is closer to the " heart and mind " of the speaker , and hence the one which imparts greatest salience to a given message , then Creole , even though used sparingly , does indeed seem to fulfil the " we code " function for speakers in this community .
3 Dozens of disabled people have been taking to the water learning how to sail .
4 Elizabethan musicians and dancers have been taking to the streets to publicise a meeting between queens from the sixteenth and twentieth century this weekend .
5 Most of the refugees who arrived after Hungary opened its border with Austria on 11 September , and aboard the special trains last week , have been taken to reception camps where they are given West German citizenship papers and DM200 ( £66 ) .
6 It is believed that these clothes have been taken to Malta for comparison with items purchased there which were found in the suitcase containing the bomb .
7 For example , one group was drawn from a London housing estate where a high proportion of tenants have been taken to court over debt , so that it could easily get a bad name among local traders .
8 Right now , those hip hop beats have been taken to the max and they 've got to be real careful it does n't become like Muzak
9 According to the Serbian-based Tanjug agency and Serbian television reports , the contents of the municipal museum of Vukovar , and its branches , have been taken to Serbia .
10 Article 20 of the Brussels Convention provides that where a defendant domiciled in one Contracting State is sued in a court of another Contracting State the court shall stay the proceedings so long as it is not shown that the defendant has been able to receive the document instituting the proceedings or an equivalent document in sufficient time to enable him to arrange for his defence , or that all necessary steps have been taken to this end .
11 Although the women prisoners have not been subjected to the brutal beatings and searches which have taken place in the men 's prisons , they have been taken to the National Police headquarters for interrogation under torture .
12 Branches of Dillons , Books Etc and Bookland have been taken to task over the wording on their sale signposting and promotional material , including material provided by the National Book Sale .
13 The remainder of the seedlings have been taken to good garden homes as far apart as Tresco on the Isles of Scilly and the Isle of Bute in the north .
14 Two approaches have been taken to the interpretation of deep dyslexia in relation to models of normal reading .
15 This shortcoming can be explained in part by the alleged deficiencies of the respective approaches ( social administrators have been criticized for their less than rigorous historical investigations ( Thane , 1992 ) whilst historians have been taken to task for their reluctance to engage in broad theoretical debate ) .
16 The tombs represent a period of wealth and expansion in the sixth and seventh centuries B.C. Many of the finds in sculpture and decoration have been taken to museums , but the chambers remain .
17 Eleven people have been taken to hospital after a fire on the Glasgow underground .
18 The injured have been taken to the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford .
19 35 Angora goats have been taken to Warwickshire .
20 Seven people have been taken to hospital after a pitched battle between rival groups of gypsies .
21 More than fifty people have been taken to hospital after a crash between a coach and a lorry .
22 ‘ Three bodies have been taken to the mortuary and there are four more at the scene , ’ said a West Yorkshire Ambulance Service spokeswoman .
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