Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As for the borrowing lecture and the lecture on job creation , I have been able to state on a number of occasions when I have been a little more demotic that all independent forecast suggest that under a Labour Government — heaven forbid — borrowing and unemployment would be higher .
2 Estimates suggest that between a fifth and a quarter of children may spend some time in a one-parent family .
3 Critics of the JCT point to these compromises and suggest that as a result either the client or the contractor is at a disadvantage .
4 I expect that for an ornithologist death ceases to be terrible once sight and hearing begin to go .
5 Some people expect that in a few decades ' time youngsters will learn from their home tutor computers and rarely , if ever , have contact with a human teacher .
6 Phizacklea and Miles show some sensitivity to the contradictory nature of working-class consciousness and emphasize that in a number of workers high levels of class consciousness nevertheless coexisted with considerable hostility towards local blacks .
7 I realise that to a man like you this situation is probably an open invitation to a spot of casual sex , even if generally you do n't fancy redheads , as you so gallantly pointed out when we first met … ’
8 They say that on a clear day you can see the Isle of Harris .
9 They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again , back into the original primal seed .
10 Pundits say that with a proven automatic gearbox and active suspension , Moustache Nightmare could well be world champion for Williams-Renault this year .
11 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
12 Cider sales are up seven percent this year … and the makers say that despite a bumper crop , they need all the fruit they can get .
13 Analysts say that as a result , the company 's financial room for manoeuvre is becoming limited .
14 Officials say that as a result of Mr Hindmarsh 's letter , bosses in the Darlington area which stretches to Middlesbrough , Hawes , Spennymoor and Northallerton , will preside over a service which will diminish in quality .
15 Q. In a previous reply to a question on Red-bellied Piranhas , you say that in a 4′ tank this species should reach its maximum length of 12″ .
16 And I say that in a right of some statistics that appear in today 's agenda .
17 Most people say that in an ideal world they would assume to be spending roughly double on entertainment of all kinds , compared with when they were working .
18 Erm simply to remind you of the position of of Selby District in in that our interest in a new settlement emerged out of concern for the quality of life in existing villages in in Selby district , and concerns for the impact of future peripheral development in those villages , and not just peripheral development on the edge of York , although of course we acknowledge that as an important consideration and it is for that reason that we fully supported the County Council 's proposals in relation to greenbelt , erm you asked the question earlier in relation to the P P G advice and and the six criteria , erm in fact I 've already rehearsed that argument in my submission so I wo n't repeat it now , erm the fact that you chose to phrase the question that way I 'll take as a good omen as to the way I presented my submission , but it it it 's there for you to read again , the the the main point that I want to address is something that was raised by Mr Wincup yesterday , and that was the difference or not as between Selby district and Hambledon district , er M Mr Jewitt 's made reference earlier to his opposition to the new settlement , and in doing so he he he mentioned the settlement pattern in Hambledon district , he 'll correct me if I 'm wrong , but one of small dispersed villages , well in Selby district we do have villages of that nature , but the Northern part of of Selby district is significantly deferent to Hambledon , it 's characterized by much larger villages , and in fact the establishment of a new settlement would n't conflict with with the settlement pattern at all .
19 Organizations often forget that for an inventor , the joy comes in savoring the solution .
20 They say and in a hall which
21 Females also croak but with a slightly softer tone .
22 I always regret that as a youth it never occurred to me to ask why they chose Easingwold and how they knew of a vacancy for someone who could combine the saddlery trade with being the landlord of the Jolly Farmers pub .
23 But if we deny that as a possible choice to the children , we tell them it 's wrong ( which they are very used to ) but we withhold from them a dramatic experience which , if handled carefully , would allow them to understand the morality of the situation .
24 We can not exclude them from our notion of property or deny that in a sense , at any rate , he is the owner of them .
25 Change that to a twenty six and then copy this er right .
26 You change that into a decimal that is what you multiply by .
27 We contend that in a democracy predicated upon the rule of law and public accountability , the enforcement of penal legislation should be the undiluted responsibility of the state . ’
28 ‘ But Martica Heaner , the hips and thighs expert , said I had to exercise every day for at least 10–15 minutes , and combine that with a calorie-controlled diet , ’ she says .
29 you make that into a little cornet and mi put it in
30 They always mean that as a compliment , but it 's a dubious one when you think about it : is it so very satisfactory to look MUCH better to one person than you do to twenty million ?
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