Example sentences of "[vb base] [conj] [pron] he " in BNC.

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1 Stuart never makes me feel his pride is riding on whether we do what I suggest or what he suggests .
2 He waves his fist in the air , and I realise that what he sees is three men on the grass , with a fourth going through their pockets .
3 It is very effective and almost shocking when you realise that what he is saying makes complete sense and the uselessness of war is so true as it really achieves very little good if any at all .
4 He had once heard an Englishman say that what he knew of nuclear physics could be written on the back of a blackcurrant .
5 She informed her great-granddaughter that if she filed for a divorce she would take Andrew 's side and say that what he had done in taking a mistress and in finally attempting suicide was because she had never acted as a wife to him .
6 Does he agree that the time has come to put forward with ever greater clarity the kind of Europe which we want and which he has already outlined in his comments ?
7 and sew the seeds that there has been procrastination going along , and we 've got some very good ideas to offer his people , and we would like to er er and hope that he he will erm encourage his people to erm , get along and meet us .
8 In doing so I am rather like the doctor by the patient 's bedside , who knows ; although of course he does not tell the patient — that the outcome of the disease will depend upon something in the constitution of that patient which he can not control nor further influence and which he can not even ascertain , except by the event .
9 I mean and he he although he er he was n't a graduate or anything like that I mean he he was a brilliant engineer .
10 We all know that what he terms his ’ meandering ’ round private Bills has been responsible for a good deal of heartache and not a little management time in British Rail spent trying to meet some of his objections .
11 We need to understand the position of the Sanhedrin , Jesus is really representing great changes in their tradition great a great revolution really and we know that what he was doing was was sort of getting Christianity to grow out of Judaism , but it meant that Judaism had to move to one side .
12 And the were another er blind man , they used to say that he was n't blind you know and he he had er old fashioned bassinets prams you know .
13 Paragraph seven making it clear put that an initial assessment has already established er it has already passed the preliminary assessment stage er and that er the director is undertaking the data collection procedure so that the site can be properly assessed and I do drawn er Mr attention er to that I erm have taken the opportunity during the last adjournment Chairman to speak to Mr about the appropriateness of the wording of his er er amendment and I believe that he he may wish to er move something which is slightly different er which will certainly er we 'll deal with that er if he does move that but er it clearly is the intention of this report and of the committee that when the work has been completed on the assessment of traffic calming measure in Shalford and its priority established , that we would then bring er another report er to the highways and transportation committee in response to this petition er as as indeed is set out in paragraph ten B and if Mr wished that to be brought forward through to council then that will be done but I leave to him if he wish to move an amendment to make it quite clear , since er I must say this motion is rather bland .
14 So I think that what he has done is to try and meet the concerns which your Lordships have have expressed er i in second reading My Lords er I did think if I might say so with the greatest of respect for the Noble Lord , Lord Harris of Greenwich whom I admire en enormously and not for er only for his views which erm depending upon what the views are er that it depends upon my extended admiration
15 I mean his first touch is decent he 's gone past there 's a suggestion I think that he he could have gone down .
16 Grant that what he has seen may not be a thing sent to tempt him ! ’
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