Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] because they " in BNC.

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1 The critic is also likely to spot the gaps in a group show , when the best works are not being shown , say perhaps because they are in private collections .
2 It 's the sort of place where the pigeons fly backwards because they do n't want to get muck in their eyes .
3 Though many genetic fluctuations do occur , most die out because they fail to confer any survival advantages on gut-dwelling microbes .
4 Passages on collegiality , religious liberty and the Jews , for instance , matter greatly because they were at the centre of lengthy conciliar debate as many other passages were not .
5 And opposite her is where the erm Quakers meet now because they ca n't afford to run the chapel the erm Meeting
6 But these things stand out because they go against the trend on the streets — and in parliament .
7 just the , just those that tag round because they 've
8 For those who attend merely because they are required to do so , rather than from a genuine interest , the seminar can be a waste of time .
9 Just smells I like wild birds because that 's the animal I like best because they are in the wild you do n't have to cage them but you have the pleasure of them being free , what ?
10 And 32% said that they set up because they saw ‘ an opportunity too good to miss ’ , compared with only 25% of men .
11 He also makes the distinction between lexical and conceptual collocations ; the latter being word pairs that co-occur simply because they are associated to the same context or topic ( e.g. , ’ bomb ’ and ’ soldier ’ , ’ trouble ’ and ’ problem ’ , etc . ) .
12 In game shooting , some people consistently shoot badly because they always shoot at where the bird has been rather than where it has got to .
13 But they win not because they can play chess , which they can not , but because they can beat humans .
14 Parents who leave the kids with the babysitter and go out because they feel they should are among the biggest culprits .
15 Any policy which aims at exorcising envy and the concomitant sense of guilt — the reason why so many intellectually eminent individuals are attracted to levelling doctrines , because they aspire to purge the sense of guilt to which eminence itself is prone — by measures of social or economic equalisation is foredoomed to failure , because it rests on the false presumption that envy and envy-guilt exist only because they are ‘ justified ’ , because the materials exist on which they feed .
16 It is assumed that a text , or a film , is not something which has a set of meanings which can be extracted from it , but something whose meanings exist only because they are part of a wider social world ; people can find meanings only if their world shares some common meanings with that of the text .
17 So things such as ourselves , which perceive and have conscious awareness , do so because they are ( or have ) minds .
18 Not every act of consent succeeds in doing so , and those that succeed do so because they fall under reasons , not themselves created by consent , that show why acts of consent should , within certain limits , be a way of creating rights and duties .
19 The majority of candidates who fail do so because they have been so nervous that they have not been able to think clearly , far less to perform well .
20 Most people who arrange to work flexible hours do so because they want to spend time with their families , as well as pursue a career .
21 They do so because they are black and black youths tend to identify strongly with other blacks , and because they have achieved visible success and black kids want clues as to how they too might be successful .
22 Most headhunters argue that the candidates who criticise them do so because they , the candidates , have been unsuccessful .
23 They do so because they and their chicks are much safer in a crowd .
24 Therefore , the emphasis of the present discussion is not upon whether the individuals benefit psychologically from being members of the Young Conservatives : it can be assumed that those who remain members do so because they enjoy being so .
25 People who go to prison for non-payment of the community charge do so because they choose to lose their liberty rather than pay the amount that is rightfully theirs to pay .
26 ‘ Because sometimes girls who get crushes on singers do so because they pose no physical threat … ’
27 That 's where people are supposed to hang their washing , but they do n't because they 're afraid it will get stolen .
28 It 's much easier to get good marks on a short answer question than it is in theory to but most people do n't because they do n't apply the correct technique so to writing short answers .
29 Things exist either because they have recently come into existence or because they have qualities that made them unlikely to be destroyed in the past .
30 As always , the strongest make a steady recovery but the others either wither away because they actually believe their press or , more commonly , find themselves selling considerably fewer records .
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