Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] its [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But in a very rich medium , the plant will grow very rapidly and send forth its runners above the substratum without producing the plantlets on the tank bottom .
2 and peer over its teeth
3 So , if it is a male , we cut off its testicles ; if it is a female we cut out its uterus and its ovaries ; and if we are house-proud , we also cut out the claws of both sexes .
4 Such people knew how to make the watery wilderness yield up its riches .
5 I tried that 26-letter word on my ‘ spellchecker ’ : it paused for a moment , then put up its hands with ‘ sorry , no suggestions ’ .
6 There must be a complete scrutiny on every level to re-create this past knowledge , seek out its truths , bring them into today .
7 Supervised by a state functionary ( with a sqeaking shoe ) and led by an emotionally-chaotic project director , a group of architects struggle to come up with a high-rise building scheme that will destroy the ancient town 's character and , incidentally , clear away its slums .
8 Either to close the new business altogether and run off its assets for the benefit of existing policyholders , or to seek new capital in a deal with another company .
9 Many walkers cross its famous ‘ Bad Step ’ just above the waters of Loch Scavaig , but few scramble up its slabs and buttresses to take in the view of Coruisk and its magnificent amphitheatre of black , jagged peaks — arguably the finest viewpoint of Skye .
10 Consider now its contexts of use .
11 The world wants to know if Britain can adjust to the facts of life or will allow old fears , old habits , old prejudices , old prides to weigh down its vitality and eat up its resources .
12 When we handle a young horse correctly , we not only caress it , hold it , and stroke it , and pick up its feet ; but we teach it to lead .
13 Some people prefer to work their male ferret on a line , saying that it gives them control over its movements .
14 As far as I could gather from the producer , my job would be to record this deterioration and then , without sounding too pious or moralistic , point out its implications for people who drink at work or when they 're driving .
15 I think that its , its often what 's inside that comes out and what we wear and , and make up and I think perhaps its men who have the restriction of not being able to do that , they are not perhaps getting the opportunity to express their inner self .
16 Once he and his family and animals are ritually stoned to death and burned and buried under a great heap of stones , then God 's anger evaporates , and the people are able to attack Ai again , and deliver up its inhabitants , men , women , and children , to the same fate as met those of Jericho ( 8.1–29 ) .
17 I remember picturing the wet grease-proof paper it would be wrapped in and how my mother would cut off its head and scrape out its insides .
18 As I reached for the fallen picture he said to me , ‘ That door 's gooin' ter fall off its 'inges one of these times . ’
19 It is quite legal to go out into the countryside , find a hedgehog and pull off its legs one by one .
20 The National Academy of Sciences has launched a report recommending that the US government step up its regulations on seafood .
21 Only with that official invitation did Manville open the file and pull out its contents .
22 ‘ The doctrine preached by Weismann was that to start with a body and enquire how its characters got into the germ was to view the sequence from the wrong end : the proper starting point is the germ .
23 Derive the exact formula for the electric field , work out its values at points M , N , P , Q , take the ratios , and see for yourself how good our approximations are .
24 The passengers who use an airport will think it too barren of temperament to have anything so interesting as an atmosphere , but for the people who work there its moods are as mutable and contagious as any other place 's .
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