Example sentences of "[vb base] [adv] it go " in BNC.

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1 Watch how it goes .
2 it 's , it 's like a draw of names all , you put , everyone puts their name in and when they draw out it goes .
3 Pre er you know how it went into the receivership
4 Family responsibilities , people depending upon one — you know how it goes . ’
5 You know how it goes — had we but world enough , and time , this coyness , Lady , were no crime … ’
6 I know how it goes .
7 And I have to sort it out , sit there , sort it out and then work out how much it 's gon na come to , and then I know then when I go to the shop I know what to get , and I know when it goes in the cupboard I know that I 'll have a meal for every day of the week .
8 Now , you can see that coin down there , if you look carefully , you can see it you ca n't get it , you know where it is , it has n't gone through a hole into the centre of the earth it has n't , sort of , disappeared into outer space , you know exactly where it is , the chances are you could pin point it within a few inches of where i , even if you ca n't see it you know where it is , but you ca n't get at it to you , it 's lost you know it 's geographic location , you know when it went there , you know everything about it , you only thing is you ca n't get at it !
9 And you know where it went .
10 Okay we know where it went and we know what it was used for , but er my question to you is , is it a legitimate use of a pension fund to fund a business development scheme which involves early retirement ?
11 November ninety four sorry , automate so it goes automatic .
12 I do n't know I mean sometimes it goes and I think she 's in there do n't you ?
13 See how it goes , he wrote .
14 ‘ Do n't use it for a few days , and see how it goes . ’
15 Ah well see how it goes .
16 See how it goes and make it all , all the one meeting that have July course , like we was all through the winter .
17 I do n't mind , I , I 'm relaxed about it , I think Councillor 's point of view , and it is a valid point of view , erm , shall we , shall we permit the officers to negotiate using their best endeavours and see how it goes , but have a special meeting , but play it by ear , everybody happy with that then ?
18 and see how it goes then .
19 Reflecting on the way ahead he said : ‘ I 'll have a couple of low-key junior games with North and see how it goes .
20 Yeah well do that and put up with it till then , and then just see how it goes .
21 See how it goes .
22 See how it goes
23 See how it goes , but that 's , that 's good , now let me just .
24 Well , well see how it goes , but erm I do n't , the thing is you see they can teach you so much about laying different bonds and making patterns and doing portholes and things like that , that 'll be handy to know , but obviously you 're not gon na learn that until much later on
25 Oh yeah yeah yeah I say reset the system , do a system reset and then see how it goes , it 's all , it , it er it 's the main problem them , and there 's no cure for it .
26 I thought you 'd on we 'll do a reset and see how it goes , and just leave it if it , if it clears it erm that 's fine
27 wait a minute , we 'll leave that in there we 'll let it go out , see how it goes for a couple of months , Glen will know where we can use any money for that anyway for a couple of months
28 I must just try with warm water and see how it goes .
29 Well See how it goes
30 just see how it goes when you get here then wo n't we ?
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