Example sentences of "[vb base] [be] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So I suspect that you wo n't be talking to these kinds of men , or do you get a chance to talk to the men that you perceive are part of the problem .
2 But h I mean are people in the habit of wanting to get rid of furniture ?
3 The premises that CFS occupy are part of the former RAF airfield and the large engine bay used to resound to work on Griffons from Shackletons and Centauruses from Beverlies .
4 Mmembers themselves say being part of a national union gives them a voice to fight for their rights .
5 ( The present writer 's introduction to Wallis Budge 's books on ancient Egypt , long before he could read them with understanding , led him — forty years later — to the temples of Karnak and Luxor and to the Valley of the Kings . )
6 S but what they say is part of his managerial status demanded him having a company car to which I was given one as well but in effect that then became his wife 's because he was still banned for drink driving .
7 Second , they agree on the conclusion that the solipsist 's charade of concentrating on an experience and pronouncing a word , no matter how fervently , can not succeed in establishing a rule which the solipsist can follow in a new case .
8 According to Wittgenstein , this initial belief is as incoherent as the solipsist 's claim to be able to set up a private language , since it relies upon too great a gap between our behaviour ( including linguistic behaviour ) and internal mental life .
9 Surely if all we want is prints off existing things all you need do is a request with a DOPACS number ?
10 What we want is peace with security . "
11 Now if you 've got somebody who you are protecting their family , and they 'll be paying that plan twenty five years or more , the fact that they pay commissions out for the first four years is immaterial , what they want is peace of mind and protection .
12 Now I I remember talking to him for hours once on a programme about education and this was when he first said what we want is teachers to be accountable .
13 The last thing we want is pictures of him on the back pages having a punch-up .
14 Or : ‘ What I want is paper with narrow lines ,
15 Teachers are at the ‘ sharp end ’ here ; the values we hold are part of this process .
16 The Palestinians , many of whom are desperate as a result of roots in the poverty of the refugee camps , hold few cards other than their determination not to be subdued and the ‘ armed struggle ’ through which this determination is sometimes expressed ; what they seek is recognition of some form of statehood on Palestinian soil .
17 Once SAVE 's case for the significance of the building was made , its retention as part of the London scene was accepted by all the parties involved .
18 SAVE 's PURCHASE of Barlaston Hall for £1 is now legendary .
19 Kwik Save 's return on capital is the envy of Britain 's supermarkets ( see chart on next page ) .
20 But Seabrook promises it is a one-off break with Kwik Save 's stance against Sunday trading .
21 Discovering where the big fish lie is part of the pleasure of fishing in this area .
22 Yet all we get are promises of some vague labelling scheme , which will do almost nothing ( by itself ) to reduce energy consumption .
23 the spread of desert conditions for whatever reason , desert being land with sparse vegetation and very low productivity associated with aridity , the degradation being persistent or in extreme cases irreversible .
24 What I know is sense of others profits .
25 Indeed , when Pilate produced a coin which had an augur 's staff on its obverse , it could well have cost him his job ; for an augur 's staff smelt of pagan religion , and that could not be tolerated in Judea .
26 But what I really like is girls with small feet . ’
27 Well that and I think the house you know was sort of
28 I spent what I assume was transition with an almost continuous pain in my left side and feeling sick as well .
29 Others , for the same reasons or for what they believe are reasons of legal principle , may argue that no murder is committed , on the basis of the reasoning noted earlier that the ventilator is ‘ prolonging life ’ , and turning it off is an omission permitting death , not a commission causing death .
30 The posts stuck into the rock to your right as you ascend are markers for winter to stop people going off the edge ; they also double as abseil posts for a quick escape route .
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