Example sentences of "[vb base] [art] [noun pl] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Logical processing can do no more than service the perceptions we start out with .
2 Domenico Valentino , Florence 's relevant Soprintendente for such matters says , ‘ If we go on like this , we 'll end up with a huge mass of literature relating to Boboli , but lose the gardens themselves ’ .
3 Women have massive amounts of love invested in fathers , lovers and sons , and many of these women despise the systems their own men may be helping to sustain .
4 I eat the leftovers myself .
5 They are the glamour girls of the catwalk , whose looks , legs and lifestyles often overshadow the designers whose clothes they wear .
6 Those who manage the company do not own the company , If the managers of the company display the characteristics which economic theory credits to all other individuals they will be concerned to maximize their own utility rather than the profits of the company .
7 In deciding a strategy for the single market , UK businesses must plan and structure their policies to minimise their exposure and maximise the benefits they can draw from EC competition rules .
8 I always crack the mirrors I look in !
9 Girls with unsatisfactory parenting may crave a baby of their own to provide the affection lacking in their own upbringing ; but then themselves repeat the problems which they are trying to get away from ( Kiernan 1980b ) .
10 When you 're using it , you just repeat the words you hear , regardless of the sense .
11 As Lane points out , surveys suggest that a majority of temporary workers actually opt for temporary status by choice , but nevertheless a large proportion are in fact disadvantaged since they lack the benefits which attach to permanent positions .
12 Here we review the factors which allegedly affect this type of fixed investment .
13 Review the lessons you have learned in this chapter .
14 Objections highlight the issues which are important to the buyer .
15 There remain the specialists who look after the flight recorder side of aircraft accident investigation .
16 We regret the things we failed to do , we reproach ourselves for things we did do and feel relief that we have moved on .
17 I try to lead as normal a life as possible and not think about my condition or regret the things it prevents me from doing , which are not that many .
18 ‘ I very much regret the injuries he sustained , ’ he said .
19 ‘ In death , as in this life , I defy the Jews who caused this last war , and I defy the power of darkness which they represent .
20 So quite clearly individual family situations will change , and I 'd like to use this opportunity to get the message across to everybody who 's listening that when we introduce the charges you 'll all get a letter , and the letter will say also that there is a waiver scheme , and the procedure you should go through to be considered for that .
21 Sometimes a guarantee does more than qualify the benefits which it gives .
22 But as work continues to undo the errors of the past in the care and treatment of the mentally handicapped and plan for the future , efforts must now begin to re-educate the public and dispel the misconceptions which still abound in our society even among its higher echelons .
23 Evaluate the investments you have made recently .
24 He 's going to go through the tapes and pick the bits he 'd like to use on Monday next week ( with a stop watch to get an idea of the bits he 's interested in ) and will book into the OUTC studio on George Street ( 278802 ) during week you 're away ( 1 day 's booking max ) , expecting some help from Astrid/Simon/anyone else who 's around .
25 Employers are increasingly taking a ‘ cafeteria ’ approach to employee benefits , where employees pick the benefits they want or take a cash alternative if that is what they prefer .
26 Cos at the end of the day you just pick the ones you like from your boat , you you 're gradually , the , the colours come through for you through your magazines and what have you , and you pick the ones you like .
27 Cos at the end of the day you just pick the ones you like from your boat , you you 're gradually , the , the colours come through for you through your magazines and what have you , and you pick the ones you like .
28 Pick the details you want included and they 're automatically inserted in your document , along with the mailmerge codes .
29 This approach has received considerable reinforcement recently in what is often referred to as " the experiential approach to RE " ( see Chapter 6 for detailed discussion of this ) which focuses on helping pupils to relate to their own experiences and develop the skills they need to reflect on this in a meaningful way .
30 Politeness is a virtue : ‘ I hate the ones who just presume you 're going to begin tomorrow . ’
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