Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] as a " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we could instigate a national drive to recycle on a grand scale — from restaurants , BR etc — and sell them as a peat alternative !
2 Yet that person with AD may be ‘ positioned ’ differently , both by themselves and others , if they avoid the games because they perceive them as a mindless waste of time and prefer to go for a walk instead .
3 I mean I as a company Cumbria Power Tools will always , you know , it will survive because there 's only me and this
4 It very seldom goes to court , but when they tell lies that are damaging , I sue them as a matter of principle , and always give every penny to charity .
5 Replace them as a whole Secondhand units may be purchased for approx £50 As you intend to fit a larger engine a Salisbury rear axle as fitted to Series 3 LWB which is much stronger than your present axle , should be considered
6 Ronny is wanted by 6 or 7 norw. clubs — some want him as a central defender , some as central midfielder , some as a wide midfielder and some as an attacker .
7 Or to go to the police and report her as a Fifth Columnist . ’
8 Can Mr Mitterrand , even as the opinion polls condemn him and the press mock him as a king on the eve of his dethronement , be about to try one last grand jeu before he really ‘ quits ’ .
9 I honour him as a ‘ bridge ’ between two ancient cultures — East and West — at a time when such positive influences are much needed .
10 If it 's not , you can turn the old one upside down and replace it as a temporary measure until you get the right one .
11 Where do evokes the infinitive as a reality , the modals evoke it as a potentiality .
12 ‘ It came just at the time Michael 's voice was breaking and Britten wanted him in that part , so he rewrote it as a young tenor .
13 But if we want it as a function , right , I give you this person 's name is Sophie say , and she maps to her father .
14 Pizzaland use green , because they want it as a more relaxed atmosphere , I mean there 's a lot in colour psychology , and I , I 'm not into it .
15 They expect us as a matter of course to advise them if they should be taking advantage of their inheritance and capital gains tax exemptions and to ensure that the share capital structure of their companies is maintained to ensure they are not in control for any tax-related purpose , but can still ensure young Harry is kept in his place .
16 Many easterners see these ideas as a poor substitute for concessions on trade , but welcome them as a step towards membership .
17 Alan Calladine added : ‘ We class ourselves as a working railway museum and are prepared to develop any aspect of the railway scene .
18 And I was in there until I left Colchester , but what , what happened , you see when you first go in they only class you as a a class three tradesman .
19 Overall , his churches and houses are no more than pleasant provincial work — examples are the rebuilding of St Julian 's church in Shrewsbury ( 1749–50 ) and Hatton Grange , Shropshire ( 1764–8 ) — but his decorative and funerary designs reveal him as a highly competent exponent of both the rococo style and the Gothic manner of Batty Langley [ q.v . ] .
20 Hoxton was thriving with small businesses , and Benjamin was showing the first signs of a schizophrenic uncertainty about what his official professional title should be : the commercial directories for 1853 list him as a General Salesman , while Henry Joseph 's birth certificate plays safe with ‘ Silversmith ’ .
21 He struggled to remember the sad old man , picture him as a part of his half-forgot-ten childhood .
22 Ian Snodin 1.1 EVERTON ( Telegraph class him as a full back ? ! )
23 The difference between them lies simply in the fact that while do situates the infinitive in time as an actualization , the modals only situate it as a potentiality .
24 But women clearly found ways of turning a restrictive garment into an alluring fashion : the surviving representations of the stola show it as a revealing slip , cut low between the breasts and often suspended from the slimmest of decorative straps .
25 The T-shirt and three-button T-shirt show it as a border design using the central tile version .
26 But I think i it also would highlight if you put it as a sentence
27 When you 've finished faffing around with the fonts , you can choose to either axe your disastrous experiment , or install it as a TrueType font itself .
28 It is of course difficult to ‘ police ’ this objection , and there is a certain ambivalence in the attitude of some countries ; recognising the usefulness of postal service , they welcome it as a supplementary method designed to back up the ‘ official ’ service effected in other ways , but are unhappy to see the postal channel treated as appropriate or sufficient in itself .
29 I know , to shun , you hold it as a Rule ,
30 ‘ If one of vendor A's customers has a problem with the interoperability of two products , the customer could call vendor A. Vendor A , on behalf of the customer , would call vendor B and register it as a Networking Technical Support Alliance call , ’ he said .
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