Example sentences of "[vb base] [pron] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 One day the farmer thought , " I could increase those rabbits : make them part of my farm — their meat , their skins .
2 If you begin to apply some of these techniques to your studies and make them part of your habits of thought , you 'll find it much easier to solve problems , to write better essays and to produce higher-scoring examination answers .
3 Play another sound effect — perhaps a door opening , keys jangling , a car moving off , a bomb exploding , or a dog barking — and it becomes difficult not to link the two sounds together and make them part of the same story .
4 New pastures indeed and I regret my lack of education in historical bibliography .
5 None of my previous assistants has ever suggested that I change my style of management , and I can assure you that I have no intention of starting now .
6 I mean I kind of you know , you give a start and unfortunately if you 're in bed with somebody else you tend to wake them up , because my wife never does that , she 's just too good to be true .
7 I mean I do it sort of a bit naturally , I mean if you , you know that what , the Delvine Hotel , I mean I sort of went in and I du n no sort of part way in I sort of said can I ask you if , you know , you 've had your other quotes and he sort of said yes we 're gon na sit down tonight and make our minds up
8 But do go back , and amend my description of Boy so that he is , is some way , if you see what I mean , your type .
9 I want my can of Coke back .
10 I believe you can see why , first of it it 's most common , and second to coronary artery disease , I 'm a cardiac surgeon , I want my piece of the action too , so we keep as well .
11 Is the evidence on which I base my denial of God actually non-experience , in which case how can I be sure that this is not caused by my own limitations in accessing what in reality exists ?
12 I quickly exhaust my quota of courage out on the roads when seated on something flighty .
13 Please forgive my lack of knowledge but who is Victor Meldrew ?
14 who pity my grasp of their mother tongue .
15 The partnership sensibly place their account of five Seidl setting before the Rellstab and Heine sings .
16 Editor , — Martin R Howard and colleagues report their experience of preoperative provision of autologous blood in the Northern region between December 1989 and November 1991 .
17 Editor , — David E Mutton and colleagues report their analysis of the national Down 's syndrome register for 1989–91 .
18 ‘ The colleges want their pound of flesh , ’ said another .
19 Their purpose is to convey the peoples ' mode of perception and suggest their interpretation of phenomena .
20 They expound their policy of minimal state interference to find the ‘ least detrimental available alternative ’ — one in which child placement and procedure for child placement ‘ maximises , in accord with the child 's sense of time , the child 's opportunity for being wanted and for maintaining on a continuous , unconditional and permanent basis , a relationship with at least one adult who is or will become the child 's psychological parent ’ ( Goldstein et al. , 1979 , p. 189 ) .
21 The software 's called ’ Bankchek ’ and its developers say their survey of over 100 small businesses reveals repeated slip-ups by bank staff .
22 We will work to help the churches transform their view of what communication is and should be .
23 While the local press reports many cases of sexual assault with small factual stories , the popular national press generally pursues primarily those which fit its thesis of the sex fiend .
24 And in Asturias 's Men of Maize , which deals with the expropriation of Indian communal lands for the commercial exploitation of maize , the Guatemalan Indians ' resistance to the destruction of their way of life is waged not only with arms , but also through the myths by which they preserve their concept of the world .
25 On Aug. 7 it was announced that the United Arab Emirates had launched a programme to strengthen its armed forces ( which numbered 40,000 before the 1990-91 Gulf war crisis ) and replace its component of Arab and non-Arab expatriates with UAE nationals .
26 The reason they do this is in order to link general criticisms of the capitalist economic system with a specific analysis of the poverty of the elderly , but in doing so they shift their point of reference .
27 This will require a consideration of the extent to which local knowledge is re-evaluated in the face of new ‘ superior ’ knowledge , and the ways in which Balinese interpret and restructure their understanding of themselves and their place in the world in daily life and more formal settings like theatre .
28 We say instead that a country 's constitution is a body of rules — some laws , some conventions — which regulate its system of government .
29 Could use you sometimes you say they kind of ,
30 Then , as could happen with him , he felt a deep despondency replace his feeling of elation .
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