Example sentences of "[vb base] [prep] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 FLYING wingers John Hendrie and Stuart Ripley swapped starring roles in Middlesbrough 's promotion push for rolls of wallpaper yesterday .
2 Two forms of pores are recognized , the primary pores , which develop during deposition of the sediment , and secondary pores , which develop after deposition , principally through solution of the rock particles themselves .
3 Although Margaret knew I would not support her , I was on reasonable terms with her-so much so that during the battle for the Leadership I attended her constituency annual dinner and dance as guest of honour .
4 Repeat for rest of fish .
5 Whether they believe that we change through investigation of the unconscious mind , through investigation of the relationship that forms between a therapist and client , through group experience or through changing patterns of behaviour will depend to some extent on which one of these experiences they can best identify with themselves .
6 The distinction which each of these writers make between forms of the state provide the normativist with a justification for viewing the positive state as a degenerate form .
7 Philip of Swabia had restored the title of king to Ottokar , duke of Bohemia , a fief of the German empire , on his eastern borders , but Ottokar was persuaded by Innocent to desert Philip and declare for Otto of Brunswick .
8 The urbanity which we perceive as part of Anderson 's character is frequently related to his violations of the maxim of manner .
9 It does mean that law is not a fixed , precise and immutable set of rules ; and that not only its content but also its form are subject to interpretation , adaptation and change as part of and in response to social change .
10 What elements of continuity remain during movements of apparent change ?
11 In fact , Mr Manning has repeatedly stated that he and the party would much prefer that Quebec remain as part of Canada , but not at any price .
12 Your correspondent could refer back to Northern Echo archives and CSE , but meanwhile he should let the Sydney Harbour Bridge remain as part of the history of the now defunct Dorman Long group and of Middlesbrough .
13 Today only a few stones and mounds remain as evidence of its existence .
14 ‘ But both Graham and I knew it was impractical for me to continue in the job and remain as manager of Exeter . ’
15 But health , education and social security together account for 61% of public spending .
16 Likely beneficiaries of a boom in personal computer sales include Lotus Development Corp , Microsoft and Borland International Inc , which together account for 90% of Japan 's spreadsheet market .
17 These companies account for 82% of Scotch Whisky output .
18 The nine leading companies account for 82% of SWA output ( by volume ) and just under 93% of employment .
19 According to Durex , whose condoms account for 80% of the British market , purchases made by women have risen steadily over the past 10 years .
20 Under the existing byelaws , complaints relating to non-reserved work which account for 80% of all the complaints that the Institute receives — can only be investigated against individuals .
21 The Autoglide can even be used on trackless doors of the canopy variety , which account for 80% of the garage doors installed in the UK , and which conventional garage door openers can not cope with The Autoglide works on a cable principle , with an advanced electronic control box .
22 Since the Winterlite product range was introduced — the warmest , lightest product of its day — sales of Winterlite and its derivatives now account for 5% of thermal volume .
23 Oil hydrocarbons account for 96% of exports and 80% of government revenue in Oman .
24 In contrast , motorways account for 30% of the mileage covered by heavy goods vehicles ( and 45% of that of the largest lorries ) .
25 Meanwhile , the interactive development tool and user interface management systems sectors account for 47% of the market but are growing at 65% per year .
26 For instance , other EMS currencies account for 72% of the French franc 's trade-weighted basket , and the dollar accounts for 44% of the yen 's .
27 ‘ Gearbox and clutch failures account for 16pc of claims , steering and suspension problems 9pc , and electrical and fuel-system faults , 16pc .
28 Allowed to buy only ‘ class B ’ shares , which account for 40% of stockmarket capitalisation , foreigners now own about 30% of the market .
29 Ships flying the Greek flag make up the world 's third-biggest merchant fleet , after Liberia 's and Panama 's ( having recently beaten an uppity Japan back into fourth place ) , and account for 40% of the European Community 's total tonnage .
30 An additional provision should be made in the profit and loss account for replacement of rail passenger assets .
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