Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] per [no cls] " in BNC.

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1 Forestry and associated industries employ half a million people in Indonesia , and its mills supply 70 per cent of the world 's export market for hardwood plywood .
2 The Social Democrat parties on both sides of the inner-German border agreed in early January 1990 that £72 billion would be needed to replace the brown coal generators which provide 70 per cent of East Germany 's energy and clean up the water and sewage systems .
3 So we want seventy-five per cent of that
4 The response is that in a rapidly growing market ( say 30 per cent growth per annum ) the only way to increase market share is to go for massive expansion of capacity ( say 50 per cent per annum ) .
5 The Sierra is listed at £16,995 but , with say 12 per cent discount , can be purchased for £2000 less .
6 For these reasons advance payments are rare , and instead most importers make an advance cash deposit , of say 10 per cent and provide final settlement on the goods ' delivery or documents pertaining to them .
7 The reason for this policy is that it is relatively easy to obtain the first few marks ( say 10 per cent ) for an examination question .
8 Yesterday 's issue of The Guardian stated : ’ farmers saw their incomes in real terms plummet 21 per cent in 1990 to their lowest position for 50 years .
9 There seems to the writer little doubt that unemployment due to automation will grow steadily over the next few decades , perhaps centuries , and in the end it is likely to reach a very high figure , say ninety per cent of the labour force , unless radical changes are made in the present pattern of working .
10 The four Union Republics which provide 80 per cent of the work force ( RSFSR , Ukraine , Latvia and Estonia ) face sharply declining birthrates relative to the less advanced populations of the USSR .
11 Some limit must be applied to the council tax levied on any household as a proportion of income , and a figure of say 5 per cent might well be appropriate .
12 Even if at the next general election Labour does better than ever before in attracting working-class support , say 80 per cent of the working class , it still would not have a majority of the vote .
13 would n't do a lot of work , but the work he does yeah , I just want certain amount of money a day say ten per cent of , yes
14 We chose all our services in London — knock ten per cent off to compare with the rest of Britain .
15 The group also has leisure interests ( Coral and Pontins ) which provide 25 per cent of its turnover .
16 When the slow waves occupy 50 per cent or more of the record the subject is judged to be in Stage 4 sleep .
17 In spite of massive investment and attention , in the 1980s 50 per cent of potatoes and 60 per cent of citrus fruits grown on state or collective farms spoil before reaching market ; private plots , accounting for four per cent of arable land , supply 25 per cent of total output ( 30 per cent of meat and dairy products and 40 per cent of fruit ) ; and the bill for overseas imports consumes as much as 45 per cent of hard currency earnings .
18 It is said that private gardens occupy 3 per cent of the land surface of Britain .
19 The response is that in a rapidly growing market ( say 30 per cent growth per annum ) the only way to increase market share is to go for massive expansion of capacity ( say 50 per cent per annum ) .
20 Most shares change in price most days — usually by very little and only infrequently by quite a lot , and then very rarely by a huge amount , say 50 per cent or more .
21 This would mean that the Government could have complete control of the money supply and could set interest rates at different levels — say five per cent to industry and 15 per cent to importers of non-essential goods .
22 Estimates suggest five per cent of Danish sows are kept outside , and while there is some growth in numbers it is not likely to go beyond 10 per cent .
23 But it predicts that Dr Mawhinney 's 7.9 per cent lead over Labour has been whittled to 3.4 per cent ( Con 42.3 per cent ; Lab 38.9 ; Lib Dem 16.1 ) .
24 California 's wind turbines provide one per cent of electricity and is equal to 80 per cent of the world 's total installed capacity for wind energy .
25 ‘ The Wedgwood share of this market is increasing — we now command 40 per cent of the formal tableware bridal market and we are continuing to offer exciting bridal promotions to help support our leading position , ’ added Paul .
26 Savannas are most extensive in Africa , where they occupy 65 per cent of the land area .
27 Savannas also occupy 60 per cent of Australia , 45 per cent of South America and 10 per cent of India and Southeast Asia ( MM Cole 1986 ) .
28 If you try working out the return on a single room , using the well-known 1:1,000 room rate:room cost ratio , assuming a realistic annual occupancy rate ( say 65 per cent ) and providing for interest and tax , you will realize that it could take several decades to recover the original cost .
29 They say 40 per cent of the population of about one-and-a-quarter million Mongolians still live in yurts .
30 In some countries the percentage tax paid on the first slice of taxable income is quite low , say 15 per cent , and rises steadily as income rises .
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