Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] and [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the growth of our work and our self-esteem , we still remain marginalized and at risk .
2 Do not become strident ; it is critical that you appear calm and in control ( however stirred up you may feel inside ) .
3 The king and his brother are seen from time to time , if infrequently — and appear lively and in good health .
4 She had imagined that she could always at will appear poised and in complete control of her emotions .
5 Sometimes that flash is near slit 1 and in that case we know that the electron actually went through the first slit .
6 The list would be in ASCII format , Data Ease 4.5 and in a compressed form .
7 But in parts of Herefordshire the old ways die hard and at Shortwood they were using a shire horse for cider making until the 1940s .
8 In addition , personal tutors receive copies of their tutees ' records and timetables , and admissions tutors receive regular and on demand analyses of applications data to support their decision making and to assist the meeting of both individual field and overall Course intake targets .
9 Erm as er you went on as er as far as referrals were concerned and the objections that were raised you , you apacked really and , and , and went through and overcome those and at the end of the day you , you got the , you got really what you er what you were aiming for that er to get him to , to speak to these people between now and the next appointment so you could er , you could come back .
10 They die unmated and without progeny .
11 They 're also , Mr Mayor , interestingly coming out in favour of the individual but I must admit I applaud that and at long last in some , admittedly very modest way , er they are moving , I wo n't say to fiscal responsibility , but at least they 're learning the lessons of the recklessness of the past of their policies .
12 Again , an understanding of biologically and psychologically based emotions helps us understand such social movements , many of which seem irrational and beyond explanation .
13 The tombstone was surmounted by a sculptured angel , its wings spread , arms folded in repose , face calm and at peace , Martin grasped it , pulled himself forward and glared at his adversary on the wall .
14 I 'd come across that and used that intravenously and thought well I really enjoy this and at the time the people who I knew were breaking into chemists and things , they used to come across very powerful substances , diamorphine , crystallised cocaine , morphine , that whole range of opiates and also amphetamines , black bombers and all the rest of it and then opium became more available on the streets and it was round about the same price as cannabis was at the time … .
15 The long-legged , dappled calves lie alone and without movement , but the hind will always be grazing and watching not far off so , never , ever , think they are lost or abandoned and ‘ rescue ’ them .
16 There is no logical reason for this where premises stand alone and in such circumstances these provisions should be deleted .
17 As growing organisms incorporate radio-carbon and after death of the organism the trapped radio-carbon begins to decay at a known rate with half lost after 5730 years , it is possible to indicate when death occurred .
18 I do n't like heavy knocking campaigns which at best seem sour and at worst backfire .
19 I stood there with the salt spray and the mist damp on my face , and the vastness of it , and the antiquity of the desolate remains behind me , made all my life to date seem insignificant and of no account .
20 A good way of doing it is the Aldershot method , how to your put your point across very very clearly but also succinctly you know short and to the point .
21 ‘ Our outward appearance undoubtedly alters as we get older and for most people the condition of the skin and hair is the final arbiter of age . ’
22 Er , there must be a worry in a lot of people , single people 's minds what happens to me when I get older and in ill-health , how will I cope ?
23 Punch drunk and on tour
24 Professionals feel ignorant and at a disadvantage working with patients they feel they do not understand and who , in turn , do not trust them .
25 ‘ I feel fine and in any case I wanted to be here in person and not have to watch you on television .
26 All services should address relatives ' needs seriously by giving information , ensuring they feel involved and above all by ensuring that they are given the support they need to carry on caring .
27 Some now pay late and with ill feeling .
28 You feel protected and at rest and you have a great desire for solitude .
29 ‘ Fight the flab and feel fitter and at the same time reduce your risk of developing heart disease , ’ is his emphatic message to employees .
30 It helps to plan for your pregnancy before you become pregnant and above all to concentrate on your health .
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