Example sentences of "[vb base] [adj] of [det] " in BNC.

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1 We review each of these overall analytic approaches in turn .
2 Choose two different weaving yarns and lay each of these over about half the needles .
3 Definitely bring some of that in remind me wo n't you , next week to go and buy some silly string
4 The themes and preoccupations of the ‘ racial ’ problem films of the fifties and sixties made by White film-makers in Britain articulate some of those fears about inter-racial relations and Black people 's presence here .
5 If we change some of those responses , then it is likely that the people who have used and relied on them will not ‘ know ’ us any more , and their demands will have no further effect .
6 Both writers make light of this crossing from Fort Augustus to the middle of Glenmoriston , even though it must have proven their most arduous stage so far — eleven miles of high , hard going , ‘ cut in traverses ’ as Johnson says , ‘ so that as we went upon a higher stage , we saw the baggage following us below in a contrary direction . ’
7 No okay what you need to do , what I want you to do now is just pick some of these numbers and multiply them together so that you get forty five .
8 It would be wrong to pretend that in a booklet of this size , we can do any more than raise some of these issues and give an overview of the way in which the company tries to deal with them .
9 I mean some of those some of those are already done are n't they .
10 I mean some of those old age pensioners bloody
11 children , and talking about the strain , I mean some of these kids are very , very disturbed but I voted that I would , I would do it again .
12 I mean some of these projects you 're talking about thirty seven million pound projects
13 I mean some of these you ai n't even looked at , the Panasonic and things like that , it might be
14 Yes , there is actually , I mean some of these wide runners who do tend to feel the ground erm when it 's top of the ground .
15 for the mo I mean some of this may depend upon the availability of music .
16 Further research in this field is currently aimed at elucidating the precise mechanism(s) that regulate each of these factors and at determining their influence on hepatocyte-matrix interaction and thus their importance in liver injury .
17 Which towns with chemical industries fit each of these categories :
18 Daft , it 's er , it 's really I want some of that erm curtains , cos they stop the sun and you know in the , I 've got them downstairs and you know they 're no trouble , they 're great are n't they ?
19 I 'll buy a pint of milk but I want some of that !
20 I want , I want some of that , a big bit
21 Anyone want some of this — ’ he prodded a dish vaguely , not sure of what was in it' — stuff ? ’
22 Oh you want some of this do you ?
23 Yes shall pay another call to our benefit office and say , I want some of those nice mauve coloured
24 Right then , you want some of those wo n't you ?
25 So if we want some of these as well well we ai n't gon na get cheaper to go with these whatever happens we know that .
26 Suggest some of these problems .
27 Erm but taking a very broad approach to it it may be that we can suggest to the receivers of that erm taking the inconvenience , the extra cost and so on , roughly say half of that account erm
28 Red fish ( such as herring , sardines , kippers , and salmon ) are a reasonable , naturally occurring source of vitamin D. Eggs supply some of this nutrient , but not as much as red fish ; because eggs are relatively high in saturated fat they should not be the main source of vitamin D. Margarine has this vitamin added , but again is not the preferred source because a good eating regime should not be too high in fat .
29 I expect some of those boys in the village have probably been shooting vermin .
30 The articles in this book explore some of these consequences .
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