Example sentences of "[vb base] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The sleek half-fish-half-insect-looking machine with its low snout , long canopy , slim double-tapered fuselage , squat trailing-link undercarriage and 110-degree V-tail immediately recalled memories of the shiny blue mounts of la Patrouille — though the ends of its tanks remain un-dented by the games of ‘ tap-the-tip-tank ’ which those characters played on boring transits .
2 It lists the different elements of a database — data files ( in table form ) , queries ( Query-By-Example , so you fill in a data entry form with the criteria you want matched by the query ) , single-record forms , reports , label formats and applications .
3 But all Northern Ireland 's businessmen appear frustrated by the lack of interest from their mainland colleagues .
4 ‘ There seems to be a small minority in Cleveland who want to stick by the rule and are blinkered in their view .
5 If this work is bring done by the government or by outside agencies , it is arguable that the Commons should know what information has been collected and , if no work is being done , members should be in a position to insist that this be remedied .
6 This pitch is so called because the 2nd Man , when rattling the bag of acid drops , fervently murmures ‘ Amen ’ to any remarks let fall by the leader while struggling with this steep wall of 8 cubits in stature ! ’
7 Telephone tapping by the Post Office , on the other hand , involves no act of trespass .
8 They stop to chat by the gate on the other side .
9 We were also given cause to laugh by a comment made by a prominent Unionist MEP at a Twelfth demonstration in Armagh who said something along the lines of ‘ The people of Ulster will not tolerate Dublin rule ’ .
10 I UNDERTAKE to abide by the regulations of the British Institute of Embalmers and to support , to the best of my ability , any meetings or gatherings arranged by them .
11 You can use four point or six point bridling , the latter bring preferred by the majority , and advised here .
12 He loved to dwell also on the analogies between plants and animals , remarking in 1843 that ‘ both kingdoms seem pervaded by a double representation of each other ’ .
13 In general , owners seem fascinated by the number of stitches their pets have after surgery .
14 The Thai government has ordered the border to be closed but Thai logging companies , which stand to lose by the ban , are arguing for a delay in its implementation and have intensified logging in recent weeks .
15 Disgusted Seagull Our best managers also happen to go by the rule that you 're only as good as your last game .
16 Mary and Reggie said , " Do sit down and join us , " but just as the six had repelled Mary and Reggie , so now did Mary and Reggie seem surrounded by an invisible current : Keep off .
17 Morsels of luscious chocolate that seem shaped by a jeweller 's hand are filled with sumptuous extravagances .
18 Part of the considerable achievement of Michael Mann 's imaginative but faithful treatment is that it manages to make acceptable for the 1990s some of the outmoded attitudes of its characters , and yet refuses to go for that eco-trendiness that will make Dances With Wolves look dated by the turn of the century .
19 They stand condemned by the very tenets of their religions unless that religion is in itself a perverse and cancerous development which will in time kill what gave it birth in any case .
20 ‘ The perpetrators stand condemned by the government and by the people of Ireland , ’ Mr Reynolds told the Dublin parliament .
21 Customs have now returned the Skin 2 tapes ( perhaps they got bored with them ) , but still seem gripped by the American mags , the comics and the fetish art .
22 They seem driven by a Teutonic determination to rack up as many airline meals as possible .
23 In transient transfections with pC110 ( Pharmacia ) , a β-galactosidase reporter construct driven by the SV40 promoter , 25.6% of CHO cells were positive for β-galactosidase ( 3 ) after transfection mediated by poly-L-ornithine versus 5.0% positive cells with polybrene .
24 Visually it 's quite easy to identify the model 's Dad as Fender 's Jaguar guitar ; the body outline is very similar to the Jaguar , with that distinctive ‘ leant forward ’ look caused by the pulled-back lower bout , offset waist , longish top horn and distinctive stubbed lower horn .
25 Today many of these lie submerged by the sea , for the land is flat and the sea has encroached all round the coast .
26 to exercise the power contained in Article 134 ( B ) of the Articles of Association of the Company so that , to the extend determined by the Directors , the holders of Ordinary Shares be permitted to elect to receive new Ordinary Shares of 25p each in the capital of the Company , credited as fully paid , instead of all or part of any dividend declared or proposed to be declared at any time prior to or at the next Annual General Meeting of the Company ; and
27 TNC does not help here , by talking of ‘ a modern foreign language ’ ; and one 's fears of too narrow an approach seem confirmed by the Bill 's reference to ‘ a modern foreign language specified in an order of the Secretary of State ’ .
28 False negatives seem to occur by a process of ignoring what one is not alerted to notice , as well as from emotional blockage . "
29 The Conflict Prevention Centre does have an emergency mechanism , under which a consultative committee can call crisis meetings , but the Centre 's actions remain bound by the requirement of unanimity .
30 ‘ There 's no need to share anything , as I intend to sleep by the fire , ’ she declared firmly , and punctuated her decision by draining her mug and setting it aside .
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