Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ( 9 ) The Court of Session may , by act of sederunt , make rules for the conduct of proceedings under this section .
2 6.2.1 make payment of the royalties in excess of the Advance which are prescribed in clause 5.3.2 .
3 Not all expatriates receive company cars and so employers may provide car loans or make payment towards the cost of shipping an employee 's car from home .
4 ( i ) Stain nuclei with the vital fluorescent dye DAPI at 100 μg/ml in culture medium for 30 min at 37-C ( 26 ) .
5 With this in mind , one must be concerned with how fans gain admission to the Rowdies group , how they are able to progress socially within the group , and with how they are able to graduate out of the group .
6 First , there were the blue-blooded man-about-town types who had perhaps not — generally speaking — enjoyed the greatest success in their commercial and professional careers , who were restless , and saw executive search as an institutionalised old-boy network , in which they could make the most of their old contacts and make money without the need for major capital investment , and who misguidedly thought that it would be an easy living .
7 Including ACT , they pay more UK tax than they make money in the UK .
8 In order to obtain more information about those RNA polymerase subunits which make contacts in the -40 region , we also carried out protein-DNA crosslinking experiments with both enzymes , using a UV laser ( Fig. 4 ) .
9 Elsewhere , on less poppy and more overtly naive-political tracks like ‘ Rubb In The Cream ’ and ‘ Let Our Roots Breathe ’ , the order of the day is a kind of diet dub , which only gets overbearingly Brockwell Park on the rather trad ‘ Sunshine ’ .
10 Stockbrokers never more than now lack enthusiasm for the small client .
11 Indeed , can legislation , of itself , change attitudes in the way that clearly is intended ?
12 Bosnian Serbs deny responsibility for the attacks , which have continued since the UN declared the no-fly zone last October .
13 Recent trends in the geography of voting in Great Britain pose major problems for all political parties as they develop strategies for the next general election .
14 Both stylolites and solution seams transect the cemented sediment and develop perpendicular to the axis of maximum stress , which may be either overburden pressure or tectonic stress .
15 The axing of Eldorado and claims that the BBC must pursue quality television raise dangers of the development of an ‘ elitist ’ emphasis .
16 Company profits mean income for the Government .
17 That is why it is essential that we make progress with the Bill as quickly as possible , consistent with proper discussion and consultation — not so much consultation as consideration — in the House .
18 And I mean part of the point of doing the training of course is to get the hang of how to handle that .
19 but it would just wear off they 'd think well you know it 's not such a big thing now , I mean it 's not , I mean part of the fun is the risk for a lot of people .
20 But , when you 're doing that you make assessment at the end of it to say what level you have , you 've got to target specifically at certain things .
22 We make camp for the night in earshot of Crystal Rapid , which in recent years has flipped more boats , taken more lives , and humbled more boatmen than any other on the river .
23 Somalia , July 1992 ; children fight over a bag of rice , the loser 's left to lick what 's left off his shirt , while 2 others pick scraps from the ground .
24 If it is not feasible to move the fish , then change 50% of the pondwater , once again replacing it with dechlorinated water at the right temperature .
25 They meet , and make plans for the next day .
26 The Consortium is to review its work of delivering food into southern Sudan and make plans for the next nine months .
27 Many of the pages of the Demoiselles sketchbooks show single figures in upright , hieratic stances , their limbs disposed symmetrically ; some are seen frontally , others from the back ; sketchy ghosts and erasures unite backviews with the more definitive frontal poses and vice versa .
28 Peer judgement by the group of colleagues concerning substantial criminal experience is difficult given that criminal advocacy is only one part of their daily practice .
29 Lose part of the garden or something .
30 The taxpayer appealed against his 1982/3 capital gains tax assessment on the grounds that the allowable expenditure of £214,602 was less than the amount of the £246,699 capital distribution , and he could therefore elect under s 72(4) to reduce the amount distributed by the entire allowable expenditure on his C Ltd shares ; and that the capital distribution , at 15.58% of the total consideration , was ‘ small , as compared with the value of the shares in respect of which it was distributed ’ ( s 72(2) ) .
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