Example sentences of "[vb base] [noun] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I will find work and make money to keep us , while you look for something .
2 I mean signs to tell us your father may be wishing his burden lightened somewhat ?
3 To her amusement , two black-cloaked figures in full face masks and tricorn hats detached themselves from a group on a parapet and arranged themselves in exaggerated attitudes of extreme sorrow , one studying a rose , the other a silver mirror .
4 Develop skills to enable her ( the nurse ) , to assist in the implementation of nursing care under the direction of a first level nurse .
5 Spokeswoman Sue Heyslop said : ‘ Pupils will be encouraged to become as independent as possible and develop skills to help them on their way . ’
6 That 's typical — a survey by the Child Poverty Action Group and the Family Service Unit in 1981 found that 80 per cent of people on state benefits borrow money to pay their housing or fuel bills .
7 Some of the defenders of the domestic load , such as Dennis Bellamy ( chairman of the Yorkshire Board ) , occasionally quoted cost and load data to justify their views , but these were based on such a biased sample of observations that it was difficult for any serious enquirer to accept them at face value .
8 I mean David tore her list up .
9 Judge Pryor granted her costs out of central funds and ordered a refund of the £5,000 she had put towards her defence .
10 On arrival in Nottingham the chant ‘ If you all hate Maltesers clap your hands ’ had gained considerable currency .
11 No , no , no that was , I mean Kay did what she had to do and sort of got the person
12 " Moons make speed to repair their heavenly losses " ( Michie 1964 ) ; " While , though , waning moons can mend their celestial losses " ( Leishman 1956 ) ; " Her losses soon the moon supplies " ( Johnson 1784 ) ; " But oh , whate'er the sky-led seasons mar , / Moon upon moon rebuilds it with her beams " ( Housman 1944 ) ; " These wounds of the wheeling skies are healed by the moons in their flying " ( Marsh 1940 ) .
13 it was a waste of time on a Saturday really , I mean , I think the , I mean Andy said we could have
14 I mean Pat said he can go so tell him to get two tickets and you 'll go with him .
15 Judge David told them , their lives had been devoted to the relief of pain and suffering but in this case they chose to inflict considerable pain on a young woman in their care , isolated by their way of life .
16 Garret FitzGerald advised me to shut up , saying you do n't have to do everything the SDLP wants , but do n't come out and say it stinks .
17 These provisions are an example of the recent trend of legislating against tax avoidance in an arcane and difficult fashion , leaving the Revenue to publish Practice Statements or press releases giving their interpretations ( though the Revenue has not been particularly forthcoming regarding " options arrangements " in Statement of Practice 3/93 which supersedes Statement of Practice 5/80 ) .
18 What we want is fighting talk , and fighting spirit , I want Macca to prove me wrong that he is not a big girl 's blouse .
19 I say Mum calls me Anthony when she 's telling me off .
20 Oh you want money do you ?
21 But coach experts say it has n't been proved that belts are safer .
22 On the one hand , I want fatherhood to make me a better person because I believe that , once I have the responsibility of looking after a child , giving up smoking and drinking and spending money on the motorbike will be a doddle .
23 Residents from Lakeside , Darlington , say plans to narrow their road will make it more dangerous to cross and to park .
24 We want houses to reciprocate our feelings of loss but , like the rectangle of unfaded paint where a favourite mirror once hung , they give us nothing to reflect upon .
25 It 's quite interesting when they get people to do this test erm , if they fit into certain categories , depending upon their job as well , it 's almost , it is strange , that you do get erm , say solicitors to do it .
26 Teleport TP hopes its communication services will be available at prices 10% to 25% lower than rival communication companies in Moscow .
27 Culdrose Radar cleared us through the inactive low level danger area and agreed that we would follow the coastline through the combined MATZs .
28 If others point out to me that I always shirk opportunities to get something which I earnestly insist that I desire more than anything else in the world , I shall be persuaded to relinquish it as an end only if on reflection I am forced to admit to myself that I do not feel about it as strongly as I supposed .
29 I expect Eleanor told you .
30 Boss Laughton insists his troubled team can still make a charge for the Stones Bitter First Division title .
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