Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [modal v] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And erm some houses used to some houses used to go up some steps and two steps and The one where I used to be and you went you used to go up two steps .
2 Since married men were normally exempt , youths in some areas might for this reason marry as young as fourteen or fifteen and be given a small piece of land by their parents to maintain themselves : the proliferation of very small peasant holdings in Denmark has been attributed to this factor .
3 All is not true , so not everything should be believed ; some things ought to be doubted .
4 However the tendency to crystallize is there and given time some glasses will in fact crystallize .
5 Since my own view of language is one in which meaning is fluid and context-dependent , I attach less importance than some feminists might to such attempts at pinning down what he or man really mean .
6 But just as some marriages can at times feel suffocating , so they may at others feel uncomfortably distant .
7 Richardson said that , especially in rural areas , it was inevitable that some services would in future be delivered by nurse practitioners .
8 Sheppard Frere has suggested that some villas may in consequence have been deserted , but evidence of this nature is difficult to assess .
9 This suggests that such states may in fact occur in other situations such as the ones they suggest ( e.g. taking a walk or engaging in a routine activity ) .
10 Like Wilde , Gide , and others , Barthes uses perverse desire to animate and inform his aesthetic and linguistic theories , and it is in terms of language and art that such strategies would in part operate .
11 This seems to suggest that the policy of the 1974 Act is the recognition that there is a need for industrial waste to be disposed of , and the companies doing so are providing a much needed service , but such operations ought to be closely controlled to ensure that any interference on the surrounding locality is minimal .
12 And if the law of homicide makes no special provision for mercy killings ( see Chapter 7.4(h) below ) or for killings during extreme emotional disturbance , despite a widely held view that such cases ought to be treated as less culpable than ‘ ordinary ’ murders , is there not an argument for a fairly broadly defined qualified defence ?
13 ‘ … one who has seen many such cases can with tolerable certainty tell , without more minute examination what the nature of the complaint is. ’ — W. Cumming , London Medical Gazette , 1849 .
14 The majority considered that such cases should in future be dealt with under the Sexual Offences Act 1956 , s.3(1) , which makes it a crime to procure a woman by false pretences or false representations to have unlawful sexual intercourse in any part of the world and that the penalty for this offence should be raised from two to five years ' imprisonment .
15 ( d ) Offices and employments As a matter of prudence , agreement should be reached at an early stage in the life of any firm whose partners , or some of them , are likely to find themselves appointed to some professional or public office as to : ( 1 ) whether remuneration from such offices should in principle be accounted for as part of the profits of the firm ( Clause 10.06 ) ; and ( 2 ) the amount of time any partner should be permitted to devote to such activities ( before his profit share suffers some downward adjustment ) .
16 Even though it was suggested that such crises may at some point lead to a collapse of the system , this is not inevitable nor even highly probable .
17 Unlike Bacon , who supposed that his method of inquiry would give certainty , he concluded that judgement on such matters ought to be suspended .
18 Re-definition on such lines could without a statute be effected by the House of Lords , which alone has sufficient authority to attempt the task , and would not involve much disturbance of decided cases ; there are certainly many obiter dicta at all levels to be sacrificed , but that would be a most desirable result .
19 Consider , for instance , the following clause : The Seller shall have no liability in respect of defects in the goods unless the Buyer gives notice of the defects within three days of delivery and the Seller 's liability in respect of such defects shall in any case be limited to £100 .
20 In view of the complexity of those realities , the delineation of such figures will in many cases depend upon careful judgments which must be made and which must distinguish case from case .
21 Such benefits can to some extent compensate a widow for lack of access to occupational scheme benefits in her own right and for financial disadvantage arising from the traditional domestic division of labour .
22 The development of such schemes ought to be assured since they were commended by the Royal Commission , are greatly valued by NACAB and has the support of the Law Society .
23 The issue is not whether such factors will in some way be represented , because they are bound to be , but whether they are in pedagogic focus .
24 But if such enterprises can in part ‘ justify ’ themselves on economic grounds , with regard to economies of scale and of transaction costs , then matters become trickier .
25 Lord Donaldson implied , however , that solicitors who exercised their new rights of audience in these cases ought to be expected to concentrate on advocacy .
26 It could be argued that these opinions would in any event have prevailed .
27 In Eastern Europe , meanwhile , new nation states are being formed out of the debris of the old system and nationalist feeling is exceptionally strong , and it is an open question whether some of these states will in due course be incorporated in an enlarged EC or perhaps in some still wider , but as yet only vaguely conceived , ‘ European homeland ’ ( to use Gorbachev 's expression ) .
28 And again , because of the nature of the modern economy , these groups would in turn lend their support to pressures for further integration .
29 You 'd thought that these houses could of least put a bit of paint on
30 The point at which we receive these signals will of course depend upon the size and shape of our internal glasses , that is , it will depend upon our own physiological make-up — our individual capacity for stress .
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