Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] [conj] at " in BNC.

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1 The model 's performance is better at some times than at others .
2 During the life-cycle of the family it was easier to maintain a home ashore at some times than at others .
3 If you had SUPERFILE you could not only produce MailSorted address labels for all those people , but you could do much subtler selections as well — all in a few minutes and at the press of a few keys .
4 This was a shadowy body with few supporters but at least it represented definite opposition to the Japanese presence .
5 Many City offices are likely to remain closed for some months and at least two — the Baltic Exchange Chambers and the Baltic Mercantile and Shipping Exchange — are expected to be demolished as a result of the most powerful IRA explosion since the mainland terror campaign began more than 20 years ago .
6 This lasted for some weeks but at no time was the baby at risk either physically or psychologically nor was the mother and baby bond threatened .
7 Tory group leader Tony Richmond refuted the figures , saying : ‘ There have been more new houses built in Darlington during the past few years than at any other time in the past .
8 Tory group leader Tony Richmond refuted the figures , saying : ‘ There have been more new houses built in Darlington during the past few years than at any other time in the past .
9 RAIL fares are scheduled to soar in the next few years and at least 5,000 railway jobs will be lost following the Government 's decision to slash grants for British Rail in the early 1990s .
10 Although human mothers , in some places and at some times , hand over their babies to others to suckle , all other mammals provide their own babies with most , if not all of their milk .
11 A river with slightly acidic water dissolves its way into limestone , and there are even larger holes — caves — for bats and bears , even in some places and at some times , human beings .
12 In some places and at different times there was some resistance , at Lincoln at the end of the fourteenth century and at Southampton , where the mayor from 1488 to 1491 made an unsuccessful attempt to preserve some semblance of democracy ( 77 , pp.259–61 ) .
13 Modigliani moved in to be with her for the last few days and at the end of November Jeanne entered the Nice Maternity Hospital .
14 Democratic centralism concentrates power in a few hands and at the end of the day produces decision rather than fudging .
15 He said : ‘ I went to the island of Kos with some mates and at the same time as I was being ill some of my mates were having headaches and feeling ill .
16 In the case of a limited number of Old English or Anglo-Saxon bynames these took such forms as at Dentune , on Lundye , of Wommerstone , in Mapeldre , but after the Conquest the prefix became , almost without exception , the preposition de ( of or from ) , it mattering not whether the place was in France or England .
17 This paper then looks at the characteristics of the people who spent some or all of their time in such homes and at the care they got from general practitioners , community nurses and hospitals .
18 For example , we can not answer such questions as at what time does a rural Malagasy begin work and at what time does he or she end it ?
19 Barbaric , for instance , began its lexical life as a designation for tribes which did not speak Greek ( the Romans later amended this to embrace tribes which spoke neither Greek nor Latin ) ; it is no surprise that it was extended to include behaviour held , rightly or wrongly , to be typical of such tribes and at the beginning of this stage it can not but have been an associative adjective in these uses .
20 And it was one of those such nights that at half past seven I 'd just got most of the fires set and ready to er er just on and going and I 'd half an hour to get everything straightened and ready for eight o'clock opening , and the door at the back went , which was where the office used to be .
21 It is thus clear on the basis of all these authorities that at the present time universities can create a jurisdiction for the visitor which excludes the concurrent and appellate jurisdiction of the courts .
22 We have also looked at some of the processes which have contributed to these shifts and at debates over their explanation .
23 Students wishing to apply for a loan should request an Eligibility Questionnaire from one of these offices and at the same time make an appointment to obtain an Eligibility Certificate .
24 Despite some reservations , the model they propose suggests a rational use of the land in the period to 3000 BC and beyond , and , as in the Mesolithic discussion above , it implies changes in the development of the landscapes around these sites and at some distance from them , which may be important to the landscape student if there is a causewayed enclosure in the vicinity of his study .
25 WITH THE INCREASING EMPHASIS on exchanges between various educational sectors for purposes of professional and curricular development , the time has arrived for a closer look at individual experiences of these secondments and at their management .
26 The position and the number of the ridges so formed vary , but there is a tendency for the ridges at high and low neap tide levels to be the most permanent , as would be expected from the fact that the waves have more time to act at these levels than at intermediate levels .
27 It is to the plaintiff 's advantage , therefore , to avoid these subsections if at all possible .
28 When Polish priests protested at these measures and at the attempt by schools ' inspectors to interfere in religious instruction , the government responded by arresting and exiling them .
29 The repertoire of transactions in which teachers engage their pupils when teaching X depends , among other things , on the nature of X and on the mental picture of the pupils ' developmental path held by the teacher ; the teaching will presumably be , in the teacher s eyes , consistent with these factors and at some levels , demonstratively effective .
30 Further research in this field is currently aimed at elucidating the precise mechanism(s) that regulate each of these factors and at determining their influence on hepatocyte-matrix interaction and thus their importance in liver injury .
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