Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] by the " in BNC.

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1 The amounts which are claimed are frequently out of all proportion to the loss suffered but , since damages are awarded in some courts by the jury responding to the eloquent pleas of plaintiff 's counsel , the nearest million dollars seems to be not an unusual amount .
2 Their eyesight can be corrected in just a few minutes by the use of a lasers .
3 Having complained for many years about blacklegs from the continent , Wilson and his colleagues found themselves , in the early 1900s faced by a reverse flow , foreign agents , assisted in some cases by the Shipping Federation , recruiting British workers to break dock strikes in Antwerp in 1906 and 1908 , a seamen 's strike in Hamburg in 1906 and a Swedish miners ' and dockers ' strike in Sweden in 1908 .
4 Such kinds of nationalism , which may be strengthened in some cases by the dominance of a particular religion , are not , in their most intense form , generally conducive to the development of a liberal democratic society , as may be seen from certain current trends in Eastern Europe .
5 The village children were reading at least some words by the time they were six .
6 Thousands of pounds have been raised over the past few months by the local community and by Wirral council colleagues of the boys ' father Bob , who works in the highways and building services department .
7 The resistance to labouring class poets is balanced in some respects by the support they received .
8 This coordination of two developmental events , crucial to the formation of the eye , is achieved in some animals by the approaching eyecup inducing the lens to develop just where it touches the surface , and so the lens develops at the right place .
9 This may be confirmed on a few sites by the presence of a small cemetery over the site of the original house , after it had been thoroughly demolished , since some of the graves have been dug into the wall foundations , showing an ignorance of their existence .
10 The driver reversed and the whole thing came away , dragged for a few feet by the car .
11 One of the serious limitations is the total interaction time with the microwaves , limited to a few milliseconds by the speed of the atomic beam and by the separation of the two Ramsey regions .
12 Such is fame : our exploit brought us international mention with a few lines by the Canadian Press but our feat was not mentioned in Robert Ripley 's ‘ Believe It or Not ’ column , and we had never heard of the Guinness Book of Records in those early days .
13 A divan bed , a matchwood wardrobe and some shelves by the bed .
14 This reluctance has been overcome in some areas by the setting up of ‘ Liaison Committees ’ i.e. informal committees usually consisting of local representatives from the environmental services committee , officers from the environmental health department , the Health and Safety Executive , local residents and local industry .
15 New-style services of this type are usually less expensive to run than traditional Drug Dependence Clinics and the in-patient beds provided in some areas by the National Health Service ; money spent on establishing local voluntary organization action and a professional back-up service will usually reach a far wider group of people .
16 Jésus Arkautz Arana ( also known as Josu Mondragón ) had been under surveillance for some weeks by the French police , who were hoping they might learn the whereabouts of ETA leader Francisco Múgika Garmendia .
17 I 'll make a cup of coffee and toast some crumpets by the fire .
18 Two thousand six hundred direct jobs and another estimated two and a half thousand indirect jobs will have been lost in the last two and a half years by the closing of Camel Lairds .
19 The campaign to bring Blair Peach 's murderer to justice and the demand for a full public inquiry into the events of ‘ 79 has been mounted for nine and a half years by the Friends of Blair Peach Committee .
20 The latter part of the decade saw St Owens Mill start up , followed within a few years by the Island Street and Victoria Street Mills , Luker also involved with the latter .
21 An investigation undertaken in the past few years by the United Nations found that ‘ … in the majority of reporting agencies , computer staff … have chief responsibility for management policies relating to e-mail communications …
22 The spatial complexity and dramatic lighting of the staircase at Windsor had been achieved by May on a smaller scale at the earlier Eltham Lodge , Kent , one of the quintessential Restoration houses , built in 1664 for Sir John Shaw , and one of the few buildings by the architect to survive .
23 Since the industry is in any case organized in some particulars by the Milk Marketing Board , a governmental agency , why not award them the contract for nationwide milk supply ?
24 His middle career was assisted in some ways by the great fire of London , which saw the disruption of his competitors ' businesses and the destruction of whole editions of many books , including much of Shakespeare 's third folio .
25 No index is shown here , but this would be the last stage in the compilation of the scheme ; besides attempting to classify some items by the scheme , the index serves to check the scheme 's likely effectiveness .
26 Over 70 paintings from the last five years are included , each with some comments by the artist on the facing page .
27 Luckily , there were some trees by the river and Anne saw a low branch over the water .
28 Notwithstanding the fury caused in some quarters by the tone of Yeltsin 's statement ( particularly the accusation that Japan was the only major country not to have provided assistance to Russia ) bilateral working-level talks on the territorial dispute went ahead in Tokyo on July 15-16 as planned .
29 And this weakness was almost automatically exacerbated in some instances by the alternative of episcopal jurisdiction for infringements of the Peace of God ; this created procedural uncertainties in the minds of plaintiffs and judges , to delay yet further the chance of obtaining justice .
30 The fish 's method of receiving sound through their bodies , amplified in some instances by the resonance of the gas-filled swim-bladder , does not work efficiently in air , so most frogs and toads have developed eardrums .
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