Example sentences of "[det] [noun pl] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I can also report to congress that at last there are some signs at long last of some kind of recovery in the building materials industry very early days yet but some companies are actually beginning to go back to full-time working and in one or two cases are actually starting to take on additional , er , employees .
2 No , it was a piece I am very fond of and it happened to be in quite a few programmes at that time .
3 Some prisoners at Long Lartin jail near Evesham in Worcestershire should be in hospital , not a prison cell , say prison officers .
4 The National Curriculum is certainly not a complete curriculum , it stated : the whole curriculum must include for all pupils ( and in some cases at all stages ) areas of learning which , though not separately identified , are nonetheless ‘ clearly required ’ .
5 The contract itself recognises usages as well as rules and it seems more likely to me that the rules may , in some cases at any rate , have developed out of and given partial expression to usages rather than that they should indicate the absence of usages beyond what is contained in the rule . "
6 In some cases at some times this has led to ruthless persecution with many deaths ( USSR in the 1930s and China in the 1950s ) .
7 Very often , Western copyright and patent holders are more interested in exporting a few products at high prices than in selling licences or granting permissions at prices that Third World countries can afford .
8 In contrast , among prolonged breeders , amplexus lasts a few hours at most .
9 His visit lasted for a few hours at most — taking into account the time spent asleep — and the only really detailed description he gave was of the accommodation in which he slept in General Gowon 's home .
10 It does not seem , in general , valuable to postpone death by a few hours at enormous cost .
11 It is not really a good idea to buy a few packets at random in the hope that these will be the type of thing you need .
12 It is appropriate to add a few words at this point that might help avert the possibility of becoming involved in any extensive debate about whether associative changes of the sort described here should really be thought of as instances of perceptual learning , producing changes in the perceived similarity of the stimuli .
13 I do hope it works out for him and am sure he has not found these last few months at all easy as he starts his working life .
14 And Cantona himself suggested in a French newspaper interview that he might be on the look-out for a new challenge after just a few months at any club .
15 Voluntary early retirement now starts at 53 , but there are few takers at that age .
16 Some books at half price .
17 In fact , in some respects at first they did so better than Copernicus 's calculations .
18 However , some natives at this time became unreliable guides and could give away a patrol 's position .
19 It looks set to be a monster success , even though some youngsters at last night 's premiere said it was too scary .
20 It looks set to be a monster success , even though some youngsters at last night 's premiere said it was too scary .
21 True , it was working in some areas at that time .
22 They had been long debated , but it should be emphasized how few individuals at this time believed that poverty could actually be eliminated , except perhaps in the very long run .
23 All this evidence strongly suggests that ( h ) has been a variable in English for many centuries : [ h ] -loss may have gone to completion in some varieties at particular times and places , but in general speech communities have used the variation over these centuries for stylistic and social marking .
24 Missionary Kate McBeth wrote : ‘ For a few years at first Joseph was afraid to come down upon the Nez Perce reserve — afraid of the surrounding whites and because of the many indictments against him — but this fear wore off .
25 I came to know and admire Beethoven 's ‘ Pastoral ’ symphony for the scenes depicted ; I enjoyed Saint Saens ' ’ Carnival of the Animals ’ , Prokofieff 's ‘ Peter and the Wolf ’ , and Benjamin Britten 's ‘ Guide to the Orchestra ’ as well as ‘ Ein Heldenleben ’ ( A Hero 's Life ) by Richard Strauss , the symphonies of Brahms , Haydn and Tschaikowsky , and especially , for a few years at any rate , the latter 's ‘ 1812 Overture ’ .
26 Gary arranged for the well-known warbird pilot John Crocker to ferry the aircraft across the Atlantic for me , John being one of the few pilots at that time who could be insured to undertake such a flight . ’
27 The criterion of land under cultivation is crude , and resists refinement : it is exceedingly difficult to say whether in a particular country in a particular decade or generation the rate of growth was steady ; in some places at some times there may well have been local and temporary declines .
28 However , whereas years of training and practice were usually needed to master the many and complex skills of recombinant DNA technology , the complete beginner can start to perform polymerase chain reaction experiments and generate meaningful results within a few days at most — hence the explosion of activity .
29 The temporary nature of her job , staying only a few weeks at any one place , meant she had met and worked for a wide variety of men .
30 The spores apparently can live only a few weeks at most in the environment ; infections have been induced experimentally by contact with spores from the insect 's surroundings , but this is probably a minor source of infection in nature .
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