Example sentences of "[det] [prep] [pron] hold " in BNC.

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1 Added to the Bonapartes were the Murats , the Tascher de la Pagerie ( relatives of Josephine ) and descendants of the ‘ Italian marriages ’ — the Primolis and the Bacciochis , some of whom held honorary positions at Court , Count Bacciochi , for example , being a Court Chamberlain .
2 One need not mechanically check a large number of triangles to see that some of what holds of one will hold of all .
3 I wandered among the stone cleithan above the village , and imagined them hanging with sides of mutton and gannets , or perhaps some of them held hay for the animals or peat for burning .
4 The DES survey of Foreign Languages Courses for Adult Students while praising the quality of students ' work as well as the commitment of the majority of teachers confirmed that 52% of foreign language teachers had no training to teach a foreign language at all — although some of them held a general qualification to teach adults ( DES 1988 ) .
5 Some of them held the Koran over the Shah head , to give him its customary protection on his journey , and wailed as the royal party left by helicopter for the airport .
6 Network members were in many cases members of one or several scientific societies , each of which held regular lecture meetings , and more informal discussions .
7 In Australia the need to make the material more accessible to a widely scattered clientele has been met in part by the adoption of a centre for every state and territory , each of which holds a replicate collection of teaching materials .
8 Each user can hold many paths each of which holds many path items .
9 In room J , there is a skilfully drawn hexagonal mosaic , divided into seven internal hexagons each of which holds interlaced guilloche triangles ; in room W , is another hexagonal mosaic-this time divided into six triangles , each of which carries a square .
10 However , this still maintains square frames to the medallions , each of which holds a single , floral device .
11 24 ) is a 4 x 4 grid arrangement , ( in simple guilloche ) , of regular squares , each of which holds a circular medallion .
12 Each of them held a small bucket .
13 In a company of five surveyors , all of whom hold shares and are also directors , the question of whether or not an individual may allege ‘ prejudicial ’ conduct by the others will depend on whether the plaintiff has suffered harm as a member .
14 It does not take much to imagine the effect of this on a group of already dispirited players , all of whom held him in the warmest affection .
15 But Trevelyan has brought in over a hundred thousand pounds ’ worth of Indian corn from America , all of it held in the Commissariat depots .
16 for all of us to hold ,
17 Labour 's preoccupation in future will be to begin the long task of reconverting such people to the view many of them held in Clement Attlee 's day : that it was worth paying more in tax to produce better public services and a more just postwar society .
18 Many of us hold ourselves in the most distorted positions and when tensions are released the changes can be quite dramatic .
19 I am convinced that simple answers , in working man 's English and full of hard facts ( often lacking in your replies ) , would alleviate the impression many of us hold that you have become a master in the art of waffling .
20 By extending ties the country stood to gain in political and economic terms , as well as improving the chances for the release of Nicholas Nichola and Roger Cooper , Britons held without trial in Tehran , and indeed for those of us held hostage in Lebanon .
21 Their long skirts make them look as though they glide on wheels along the riverside track ; both of them hold a spindle , working and talking all their way .
22 Both of them holding roses
23 Under arrest on suspicion since October 1990 , the two , both of whom held the rank of general under Communist rule , did not plead guilty when indicted in the Warsaw provincial court on Feb. 11 .
24 From October ‘ 88 when he moved in , John began to build a team together — nine married couples ( most of whom held responsibilities in the main church ) were released to concentrate on Trendlewood .
25 Shortly before nine there was a general hubbub down the corridor and the Suits began to appear from their conferences , most of them holding styrofoam cups of coffee .
26 Surveys show that even in the most sexually permissive of times , fidelity is a value most of us hold dear .
27 I know there are those who would prefer anarchy to hold sway , but what they do is destroy everything about climbing most of us hold dear .
28 Indeed , most of us hold in our heads a stereotyped notion of ‘ the scientist ’ or ‘ the artist ’ .
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